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This is Jan's diary. If you want to receive this diary by mail, write your mail on the contact form.


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Girona (see on map)

This afternoon I have seen off my family in home of my parents, the Teularia, in Orís. Afterwards in the Tse-Tse of Torelló I have made a dinner of farewell with my friends. We were not meeting all since many time ago and it has been close. We have been drinking until passes three of the morning of the barrel of beer that has given us the Tse-Tse. And finally I have seen off the few friends who remained.

I have turn on the Hymer with the intention of stopping to sleep in any place. But I have kept on throwing Vic direction. Afterwards I have taken the Eix direction Girona and I follow. I have started to count out the first kilometers of the more than 150.000 that I will have made after three years. I was leaving behind road that I knew well, a road by where I would not drive in much time again. I was leaving behind many good friends, the family, and many good moments. The kilometers consumed slowly and the melancholy kept on impregnating me. But at the same time outcropped the illusion of being pioneering this journey which I dreamed so much time ago, this journey that I had prepared with so much dedication. Also the illusion about these uncertain good friends that I will know, these very good moments that I will live.

Finally the slept has started to win me and after an hour and half of driving in the darkness I have stopped beside a gas station and have started to sleep.

Bascara (see on map)


This morning I have awakened without sleeping my eight hours and maybe because of the illusion or because of the coffees of yesterday I have not been able to sleep again. I have token a shower and I have gone out to buy the newspaper The Periodico because a report of my journey appeared. I have been reading it while I eaten some of the excesses of the meal of yesterday in home of my parents.

In the afternoon I have been sorting more things in the Hymer and finally have gone out direction Bàscara, where my uncle Jordi lives.

Halfway I have noticed that there was the open door of the bath and it crashed. I have parked beside the road with the four blinkers and I have gone towards behind to close it. At once, a rare sensation of seasickness has taken me, as if I went in boat, and I have commented, north wind blows very strong. But then I have looked thought the window and have seen that the selfcaravan was moving behind. I have jumped towards ahead and I have pulled the handbrake. The Hymer have stopped in knock. I had forgotten to putting it. Luckily the selfcaravan had not occupied many space of the roadway and no accident had happened. I have proposed myself to sleep all the necessary hours from now and to drive with four eyes.

Little later I have arrived to the farmhouse where my uncle lives, but he was not there. I have been all the afternoon with the Hymer parked in front of the era organising more things (and it is still lacking me a lot). I have decided that the following day I will go towards Perpinyà.

When already I was thinking to go to sleep Jordi has arrived with Elisenda and Quim. I have met them a while and we have been speaking a little of everything.

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