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Meknes (see on map)

Meknes,+maosuleo+de+Moulay+Ismail Meknes,+maosuleo+de+Moulay+Ismail Meknes Meknes,+medina Meknes,+medina

While going out of fes, we have stopped to a gas station to ask for water for the autocaravan and the owner of the gas station has offered us some in exchange for loading gas oil. While we waited we have pioneered a conversation about the situation of Morocco. I have commented that the country seems safe and that the people worry for the tourists: I have the impression that if any thief dares to steal from a foreigner in a medina, the traders and passersby will attempt to hunt and catch him. He has asked me about our journey and I have then explained the project of taking the puls to the world that we carry out during the journey and I have proposed to interview him for the project.

Yusef thought that the main problem of the world was terrorism. The states should find the solution, anyway he could collaborate to give work to the people. There are people who do not have anything and they think that the suicide for the religion is the best frontage option to life. The main problem of Morocco is social, even though they are improving with the help of the government. Anyway there should be more investment in education . for Yusef it is a stable country and he feels happy because he lives here. If everybody would be happier he would also be . The secret of happiness is to love the people arround you.

We have parked in the big square of Meknes and after having lunch we have gone out to walk towards the south, for streets without any kind of interest, with closed shops and the people surprised by our presence. Finally we have noticed that we were badly positioned in the map and that the medina and interesting monuments were placed in the north.

Aside of the medina there is nothing more interesting than was fes. we have also visited the mausoleum of Moulay Ismail, an impressive precinct that does not have anything of envying to the very fine art of the madrassa of Bou Inania or to the same Alhambra. even though i had been in Morocco ten years ago, i did not remember these monuments with these ornamental borders, engravings and geometric paintings, that filled in each square centimetre of the walls and ceiling.

Rabat (see on map)

Rabat,+Maosuleo+de+Mohammed+V Rabat,+Maosuleo+de+Mohammed+V Rabat,+Maosuleo+de+Mohammed+V Rabat,+Kasba+Oudaia Rabat,+Ciudad+arqueológica+de+Chellah
Rabat,+Ciudad+arqueológica+de+Chellah Rabat,+Ciudad+arqueológica+de+Chellah Rabat,+medina Rabat,+medina Rabat,+cementerio
Rabat,+kasba+de+los+Oudaia Hamid,+Jan+y+Nizar Rabat,+medina   

Rabat is the political district of Morocco, and like all capitals it has quite a lot of places of interest, even though other cities are more attractive. It highlights the mausoleum of Mohammed V, contemporary monument but of an exquisite art, comparable to the former visited monuments. Near the mausoleum is raising the beautiful tower of Hassan, in the middle of a forest of columns of an unfinished mosque of the 12th century. The medina of Rabat has some interesting covered streets that flow in the Kasba dels Oudaia, a small fortified village that faces the ocean. The blue alleys of the Kasba remember Chefchaoen, even though they do not have anything of envying. Towards the outskirts of the city, in the middle of big avenues, green and clean, there is the necropolis of Chellah, the ruins of an antiq city that has surprised me for the great amount of birds: storks and other species, that were living all together in the trees of a small forest.

Rabat is also a big city, therefore it was here where we could contact quite a lot of people across internet, with which we gathered ourselves on Saturday at different times. First we met with Hamid, a boy with a deep look and speaking good english, and the friend that he brought the, Nizar .even though in a basic way I speak French we could not follow the discssion with nizar in frenvch. They were both small employers. How it always matches, I was quite direct and I started to ask them about the situation of the country. First I became interested in the situation of the Occidental sahara, a region of Morocco with a strong feeling of independence led by the Polysari Forehead. They explained to me that the Polysari Forehead is formed by Algerians since according to them, Algeria has always wanted to have an exit to the atlantic. Despite everything, in spite of believing firmly that the territory belongs to Morocco, they agreed to give them a certain autonomy. For another band Nizar commented:
- But why we have to divide the country if in all the world the countries are joining. What we should make is to dig up the old dream of joining all the countries of the Magreb: Morocco, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria and Tunisia.

Also I asked about the freedom of speech and they manifested that there was some, even though it is logic that no one can speak bad about the king , because it is the only one that can sustain the cohesion of Morocco. Next we began the subject of the religion. They explained to me that the Islam is a religion of peace, because of that there have been more Christians who convert themselves to the Islam than the other way round. Next Hamid explained that the Koran is a holy book,dictated by god since there are countries described that Mahoma had never visited. I attempted to argue that in that time already there were travellers who could have portrayed for him such countries, but in spite of listening to me with a lot of interest he did not seem not even a bit convinced about what i said. Finally we talked about the possibility of men to be married with four women at the same time. he explained to me that this is a law that Allah gave to the men so that they did not have to search the sex out of the marriage. Since for another hand, the sex out of the marriage is totally prohibited, therefore, in Morocco or in any other Islamic country the young people cannot be boyfriends or girlfriends, they are only fiance and afterwards they marry.

In the afternoon, I met with Yassine ( Alexandra stayed in the autocaravan sleeping). Yassine had a leg broken because three years ago he had a motorbike accident. he explained me that they had to operate him in a public hospital and that because of the inappropriate sterilisation of the material a posteriori the leg became infected until the bone, losing 8 centimetres . At present it is already much better, even though it is not cured completely. Maybe for this motive, Yassine was more critical with the system than the two friends from the morning. He also commented that in Morocco there is a lot of corruption, in the lower class (police,...), as well as in the upper class, fact that explains the big yachts of employers or politicians in Marbella. he also explained the case of a nurse, that only receives 250€ each month, of which 100 the rent of a flat and 2 every day for the transport . This nurse did not work at ease if not some patient helped with some tip. And according to him, this lack of motivation is the main problem in the work world. I changed the subject and I asked him about Sahara Occidental, to contrast the opinions of the morning, but he told me that he did not know too much . Only he knew that in the military hospital where he was there were several soldiers and officers because of the wounds of some mine, since the desert for that zone is infested by it. We followed the conversation about the Islamic terrorism, and he commented me that in spite of having had a failed atack in Casablanca recently, the terrorism hardly will root among the Muslims, first because the Islam is founded on peace and understanding and second, because the different media are educating a lot against terrorism. We talked again about the multiple marriages and he told me that having a second woman is better because like this the man can cover his needs if the first becomes ill. Anyway he did not know how to reply when I asked him why the women should not be able to marry more than one time. With respect to the prohibition of the sex out of the marriage he told me that in some villages in the mountains, the marryed couple, has to show a handkerchief stained of blood after the first night of marriage to demonstrate that the girl was virgin. Without taking out the subject, the conversation curiously derived from the Koran again towards the reasoning of the divine origin. he explained.
- In the koran it id explained that to clean a dish without soap has to be passed seven times under the water and until little ago it has not been able to be demonstrated scientifically if it is enough to submerge it just six times .just after 7 times all the bacterias disapears. How could they know this in those times? The explanation can only come from Allah.

We had sustained the conversation in the terrace of a coffee shop, clasped in some chairs placed in line. During the conversation Yassine touched my hands or shoulders to express better. I did not saw it as offensive, because for the Muslims the homosexuality is unimaginable, but it was strange in an unexplained way, maybe because people here are more friendly then in other cultures. to get up I offered myself to pay, but the same as it had hapened in the morning, Yassine insisted on inviting me. After paying, he made a call with the mobile and a friend came to search for him. They proposed me to go to take some drinks in some other place and I accepted on condition of going to search for Alexandra, which was now awake.

We went to a modern bar where another boy that we had contacted through Internet waited for us. Salim, was accompanied by a french girl. Salim had been living for 15 years in France and he came back to stay in Morocco few months ago. he worked in a big discotheque, where he explained that quite a lot of alcohol ran there, even though the majority of Muslims considered that the alcohol was not necessary to enjoy yourself. We did not have much time to talk to them because they had to go, but before they went I asked Salim , if he was Muslim. He replied to me that he was a non practising Muslim. When we left, Yassine and his friend thought that this answer, could cause here in maroc quite a lot of problems.

On Monday, before leaving Rabat towards Casablanca we went again to the embassy of Anglola in Morocco (on Friday already we had gone there but there was not the person who could brief us) . We asked about the possibility to obtain the visa for Angola but they replied that for us it would be impossible since the first requirement was to have the residence in Morocco. I had the possibility to obtain the visa for Angola from Spain, even though it was quite painstaking. But Alexandra had to obtain it from some neighbouring country of Romania (where she lives), because in Romania there was no embassy of Angola. We had been warned by other African travellers that to obtain the visa of Angola during the trip was practically impossible, but we had risked due to the complications of transacting it our country of origin. Now, in front of the first negative answer (only the first), I started to consider other alternatives to the plotted itinerary. Africa is an immense labyrinth, with closed borders, dangerous countries, impassable roads... If we can not go to Angola, which at present seems a relatively safe country, unavoidably we will have to cross other s unstable, like African Centre Republic or the República Democràtica del Congo (ancient Zaire).


On Saturday also I took away the pulse of the world with the new friends of Rabat and I interviewed them:

Hamid and Nizar thought that the main problem of the world is the war provoked by the inequalities and wealth. The solution would be in the understanding, acceptance and help of the other ones, independently of the colour and the religion. The main problem of Morocco is the lack of work, even though it seems that it is improving. The solution would be found investing in the country creating more certainty and security, so that new jobs were created with the increase of the tourism. They both help in the solution with the creation of their own companies. They were both happy for being Muslims and Moroccans because they felt proud. Nazir would be happier by fulfiling his dreams, for example having a family. The secret of happiness is to believe more in Allah and and to try hard to be a good Muslim.

Yassine thought that the main problems in the world are the economic problems that generate terrorism, problems with oil, nuclear crises... He would not know how to find any solution because others with more knowledge havent found either. But he can make something to improve the world, for example to make boycott to the Cocacola, because it saves lives (the price of a Cocacola is the price of a bullet that kills children in Palestina). The main problem in Morocco is the lack of work and the poor quality of the education. Anyway, it seems that the country is improving in this sense. For helping in this sense, he would need more studies for reverting the knowledge to the country. Yassine considers himself very happy, since he is alive, with familia, friends... in spite of having some problems. he would be happier with a better education. The secret of happiness is peace. If you live in peace, even if you are poor, you will be happy.

Casablanca (see on map)

Casablanca,+policia+motoritzada Casablanca Casablanca,+entrada+medina Casablanca,+entrada+mercado Casablanca,+Alexandra+delante+de+un+plato+de+patata Casablanca,+Jan+con+su+plato+tradicional+de+pescado

Casablanca, few quilometres away from Rabat, is a huge city with a certain European air, even though it has its ancient medina (without any interest), a new medina (much more interesting) and its mosques, among which the huge and impressive Mosque of Hassan II. We parked in the park of the Arab league, which is crossed by a noisy street. Anyway the park is calm, with a romantic promenade with lined up palm trees. at the end of the park there is a neighbourhood constructed at the beginning of the 20th century, with a certain charm but also declining a bit. Crossing the neighbourhood there is a pedestrian street – not so typical out of the medinas - with small little visited shops. at the end of this street, going right, we discovered a covered market where flowers, baskets, vegetables, were sold... In the centre of this market, there is another building were several persons sell fish and sea fruits. To the outskirts there were several restaurants with the owners quarreling among them to see who obtained us as customers. Anyway, before we went to a pizzeria where Alexandra could eat an European meal and afterwards i went to one of the restaurants of the market where i had a delicious fried fish dish.

The city is quite clean, even though there are not many wastepaper baskets. There is quite a lot of traffic, but not as much as to convince the people that is dangerous to cross the street among the cars in progress. In any case, there are no semaphores for pedestrians and the zebra steps is not respected for crossing. The human fauna is diverse, with boys and girls still clothing in a modern way, some even provocative, but the xilaves and the veils covering the hair are the dominating ones.a lot of poverty can also be seen, the disabeled dedicate their time asking for money and the rest to sale mobiles, or to clean shoes, cars, to watch cars...

In Casablanca we have contacted people across Internet, this time girls, again in order to analyse the society from another point of view. Today we have met in the afternoon with Ayache, a Muslim girl of sad look that did not wear veil, even though she considered that she should wear it. We have spent some time in a beautiful coffee, where Ayache has surprised us asking us for an opinion about a delicate subject. she would like to go to live in Europe, because even though she has studied English philology she finds it difficult to find work in Morocco. Then she has explained us that a Moroccan man that lives in Germany has proposed to marry , even though he is already married with another woman. They would marry in a mosque even though the marriage will not come off registered , but when she will have a baby her situation would be assured in Europe. By asking for our opinion we also asked her if she loved him, but she responded that she never saw him, but anyway that she does not believe in love – when she was younger she had been disappointed. For another hand she considered normal that a man was able to marry twice if he could sustain both women. In the face of this approach she has also surprised us explaining that in the coràn the man and the woman are in the same position, and also in reality. And next she has explained the logic of some differences to us, that for example the man can ask for the divorce but not the woman: The man has more wisdom and however the woman is more emotional, if the man mistook in a small thing the woman would run to ask for the divorce, however the man would have more patience before acting like this. questioning her more we have noticed that there were no cracks in her way of thinking, for example she has explained us that she would like to live in Aràbia Saudí, because there the husbands protect more the women, they do not let them go out of the house without going being accompanied of a relative. This would not be possible in Morocco - she suggested - because here the women has to work. With respect to covering all the body, even the face, she found it normal, because also in the nature, all the beautiful things are protected, the same as the pearls. She explained that there are girls so nice that they cover completely in order not to attract other men.

Anyway, the things change and the traditions disappear and with an air of nostalgia commented that in any case, the appearance can not change the essence of the religion, and she ended up longing for the past, in which the time did not have so much importance.

We have seen off Ayache accepting her invitation to eat cuscús the next day in her house. Moments later we have met with Veronica, a girl from Venezuela that has been living in Morocco for the last 4 months, because she is inlove with a Moroccan guy. We asked her how she dealed with the religion and she has commented that the boy was not practising islaam, even though he is Muslim. In Casablanca the youth is influenced a lot by the European culture and the youth changed its mentality very fast. she explained us that in the discotheques people drink a lot of alcohol, also there is a lot of prostitution, and the tourists are not the only consumers. Asking her about Venezuela ahe has explained us that the situation is worse and that in Morocco people live much better and more safe.

Later we have met with Anis, her boyfriend, and we went to have a tagine for dinner. Anis and Veronica met eachother in Paris, where they studied, therefore it was logical that Anis demonstrated a way to think more open and critical. For example, talking to Alexandra about lawyers - Alexandra has studied law -, Anis manifested that the lawyers in Morocco were very bad paid, because if one really wants to win a trial, instead of paying a good lawyer pays directly to the judge. Anyway, like all Moroccans, he defended the King, and he commented that he had brought economic stability and more openess . And when i asked him about democracy, Anis explained that Morocco is not prepared for a completely democratic government. Finally I have become interested about the religion in Morocco - I always take out this subject - and Anis has summarised its thought commenting that in Morocco being Muslim is a way to belong to the society.

Casablanca,+mezquita+de+Hassan+II Casablanca,+mezquita+de+Hassan+II Casablanca,+mezquita+de+Hassan+II También+Casablanca Casablanca,+Ayache

Before meeting with Ayache we have visited the huge Mosque of Hassan II, the third biggest in the world, constructed at the end of the eighties. Also it must be one of the most expensive because, according to the guide, it costed 700 million dolars. In any case, with the minaret of 200 metres of altitude, it is the highest religious building in the world. Inside and in the exterior can fit until 200.000 persons, who really come in the month of Ramadan during the prayers. inside the mosque can be seen luxury all over, was worked by 10.000 artisans from all over Morocco. Pity that the guide does not let you enjoy the details, because the following visit enters in one hour, and then the mosque is open just for the believers. The visit continues with the room of ablutions, under the mosque, and the baths, which has never been used for matters of security.

At noon we met with Ayache in the centre. She came with us in the autocaravan and guided us until her home, a neighborhood quite away from the centre. During the road we crossed neighbourhoods of rich homes and neighbourhoods of shacks, although in both cases, the satellite antenas were never missing from the roofs.

Ayache and her mother live in an apartment of only two rooms, since her father died, the sons and the other wife kept the biggest part of the original home. We dined in the big room that is also the sleeping room of the girl. In the room there were three red sofas arround a small table. While sitting on the sofa, we noticed the ceiling, exquisitely decorated with flowers and geometric figures. On the walls there were hanged plastic flowers and on the other end a big closet with some toys and some books above.

The mother, with a tired face - Ayache has explained that she was ill - and a tattoo on the chin - signal that had been married -, has brought an immense casserole of cuscús . On top of the cuscús there were boiled legumes and some meat that stood under. Ayache had already advised us that the cuscús is eaten with the hand - the right hand - and like this we have started to make the small balls of cus cus, even though both hosts achieved to prepare the cuscús with the fingers creating a ball that next they swallow, however me and Alexandra had to aspirate the cuscús that fell down on us, but in the end proved to be delicious. Alexandra has eaten with desires. another small problem of eating the cuscús with the hands is that it burnes and while we let some shout escape or achieved to control the pain, the hosts swallowed it without sensing the temperature. In any case, the experience has been unforgettable and would repeat it if we had some hosts again that will invite us for cus cus.


We have taken the pulse to the world with Ayache that thought that the main problem of the world is the war, the solution would be to understand more eachother and not to manufacture more arms. She can bring peace helping with the environment and praying God that the war stops. The main problem in Morocco is terrorism that is being born among some poor youngsters. She is against and believes that the terrorists can not consider themselves Muslims because the Islam is about peace. Associations should be created for educating this youth. Ayache consideres herself as being a happy person because she can sleep and because she is a good person and pure, with a good relation with God. She is happier when she dries the tears of a boy or helps the others. Therefore, the secret of happiness is to help the others, because you can not be happy if you see the people arround you.

Marrakech (see on map)

Marrakech,+Jemma+el+Fna Marrakech,+Despertar+al+Riad+Kenza Marrakech,+Riad+Kenza Marrakech,+Riad+Kenza Marrakech,+Riad+Kenza
Marrakech También+Marrakech Marrakech,+zoco+de+las+babuchas Marrakech,+Jemma+el+Fna
Marrakech,+Jemma+el+Fna Marrakech,+Jemma+el+Fna    

Once again - but this time in a special way - we have been received with great hospitality. Yassime from Rabat gave us the contact of his friend Hafsa, who managed a Riad, a traditional hotel, in Marrakech. We arrived on Thursday to the night in Marrakech and in spite of being prohibited to sleep in the autocaravan in the city we slept in a secure parking. The following day we sent a message in the morning to the mobile of Hafsa and she called us instantly. she welcomed us in Marrakech and she invited us to spend the days that we wanted in her Riad, even though she would not be in Marrakech until Sunday. sHe told us that her father Miloud, would expect us and that she would be very happy if we accepted her invitation.

We launch to accept grateful and we went towards the Riad, hidden close to one of the big boluevards of marakesh. Mr. Miloud opened us the door and offered us a traditional tea while we strolled amazed by the main room of the Riad. All the room was decorated exquisitely, completely cone in a touristic madrassa or mosque. The floor was adorned with carpets; in the voltants of the room there were comfortable sofas with small tables in front, of wood richly recorded and pieces of bone inlaid; the wall stood up covered of tiles of arabesque figures and in the middle of the wall started the true master work: the remaining wall and the ceiling were splendidly sculpted with geometric forms and more varied drawings filling in each square centimetre where the sight was sent. After taking the tea doubting if really we had been invited, Miloud showed us the room that would be our room, in the first floor, from which we could contemplate the main room behind some beautiful handrails wood. The room was simpler, but not because of that less comfortable and immediately we felt as at home.

Today in the morning, after spending the first night in the riad, mr Miloud has offered us a delicious breakfast, including, coffee, butter, honey, jam, bread, crêpes, croissant, milk... In the face of this wonder table, we have whispered among us if really we were invited again or this was part of some Moroccan call, to take tourists to the riad and to make them afterwards pay. Finally we have convinced ourselves that really we were invited and simply that we were sabotaging the famous hospitality of thr Maghrebian people.

Aside of enjoying this splendid accommodation these two days we have been visit this beautiful brown city. Only of going out to the street you notice that Marrakech is different to the other Moroccan cities, and they must likewise consider it the thousands of tourists who fill in the streets. A huge medina, of which until now only we have visited the most commercial part, the zocos and the famous square Jemma el Fna, so marakesh proved to be a big spacious, clean city, with palm trees raising over the roofs,and with some arrogant encircling walls.

The zocos of Marrakech are the most elegant of the ones visited until now, maybe too touristic and less traditional than the ones of Fez, but definitively attractive, as much that i could hardly take Alexandra out of there. In the end, today we have decided that I waited for her in the terrace of a coffee that dominated the square Jemma el Fna while she followed the walk for the zocos in search of some shoes. The square Jemma el Fna it is she considers one of the most fascinating shows of world, at all times there are movement and music, strident music of trumpets , charmers of snake and rhythmic of the drums of the dancers. The crowd wanders up and down, among the unemployed persons who sell juices of orange ( more people than ten years ago), the restaurants that cook meat in the ember or boil, the unemployed persons , the witches who guess the future, the Berbers who paint the hands with henna, the charlatans or true theatre actors , the showy water sales man, the other selers of traditional cloths or touristic objects that they introduce for you in the zocos. In all this confusion the music has only stopped all of a sudden some moments, exactly before they played the first notes of a nearby mosque, but these instants of calmness gone by, the chaos has governed again the environment.

Marrakech,+Desayuno+en+Riad+Kenza Marrakech,+palacio+de+la+Bahia Marrakech,+palacio+de+la+Bahia Marrakech,+palacio+de+la+Bahia Marrakech Marrakech
Marrakech,+zocos Marrakech,+zocos Marrakech,+zocos Marrakech,+Jemma+el+Fna Marrakech

Hafsa could not come Sunday and neither today, anyway, this evening, we commented to mr. Miloud that tomorrow in the morning we would go, I have checked again if we really have been invited - it was difficult to us to understand that we could have been invited in such a charming hotel. The son of Miloud, Tarik, was also there and as he spoke English I have asked him about the riad. he has explained to me that the riad was constructed some 40 years ago by his grandfather. During these years, the riad has been their home: they slept in the first floor and they cooked and they ate in the second. The room of the ground floor, the one that has the most exquisite decoration, they only used it to gather the family and the friends. The father, Miloud, was a police inspector in the section of narcotics - less drug that before has answered to me - but its been a pair of years since he withdrew and they decided to convert the home in riad. Knowing now the history it I has been easier to accept the invitation, after all we had been lodged in his home. Anyway, feeling endouded with Sraidi family I will publish their information and adress of contact so that any of the readers of the diary can take advantage and contact this good people in order to find accomodation in their riad(the prices will be offered by contact):
Riad Kenza
Rue Yougoslavie, 84 - Gueliz - Marrakesh
Pellicle: +21224448686 Fax: +21276754716

Today the wind has been blowing a lot, a wind that raised dust that blinded us - we have crossed fingers hoping not to find any sand storms in the desert -, so we have not walked a lot, however yesterday we appealed a part of the medina that we had not visited yet, to the south of the zocos and of the square Jemma el Fna. In this zone there are several palaces that can be visited. We visited the palace of the Bahia (the beautifull one according to translation), and here i should write again for i dont know wich time that the Alhambra is not the only perfect peace of arabic arhitecture . The palace of the Bahia is a huge building with splendid replete rooms of cal•ligràfics and geometric relays covering the walls and showy paintings in the wood of the ceiling, therefore, it comes off written one more time that I was wrong to say when we visited Alhambra that: "I do not believe that we see often these incredible details of the Islamic art again in Morocco or in black Africa ".

Telouet (see on map)

Camino+a+Ouarzazate Camino+a+Ouarzazate Camino+a+Ouarzazate Camino+a+Ouarzazate Telouet
Telouet Telouet    

We have gone out of Marrakech in direction of the Atlases, with the intention of crossing them and arriving at Ouarzazate, a city of the desert. As we approached we have started to discern them, quite snowed. The road has given up the straightness and has started curving, green near the waters of the river and dry at more altitude. The temperature outside of the autocaravan it has kept on descending while we continued going up, crossing small villages and more up, meeting only people selling beautifull vulcanic stones . We have stopped to make some photos and some people that have shown us their products, volcanic stones that they had cut for half showing the crystalline inland of intense and brilliant colours: green, red, grey... While i went back to the car, the seller kept on showting me the prices of the stones, like in an auction, until in the end they have asked us if we had anything for changing. I have offered them some sun glasses, that the CCONG gave us, and after negotiating a while we have ended up changing five glasses for a beautiful black stone with some shiny crystals inside. some turns later, we have arrived to the pas of Tizi N’Tichka , 2260 metres of altitude, with big patches of snow in the mountains . We have followed the road of slope and we have diverted few quilometres later on the left, for a paved path, which went towards Telouet.

crossing the first village I have stopped to take a photo and a group of children have approached shyly asking for anything, sign that the road was frequented by tourists and that the children are accustomed - if they ask for it insistently - to receive sweets or other insignificant gifts. We have not wanted being less and removed a box of cariocas that CCONG gave us in order to empty the road. I have given the box to the biggest boy explaining to him that he had to distribute them among the ten children. But Alexandra has not trusted and did prefer that we ourselves distributed them. Then I have called the boy and I have claimed from him the box, which has made him unwillingly. Then we have opened the box and have taken out the 30 cariocas that were inside, moment in wich all children have piled the hands in the two raising windows for achieving one of the colours. We have attempted to distribute them with equity, but when we have finished the chaotic distribution and the children have grouped themselves for evaluating the profits, have noticed that some children had not achieved not even one and others more than ten, some of them cried. Too late. We have attempted to explain to the girl who had some more that she should distribute them and she seemed to understand the advice. Anyway we have gone before of the things being fixed. I expect that the blood did not arrive to the river, because this seems a perfect case to explain that the good faith without intelligence can worsen the things.

Finally we have arrived to Telouet, a small village where there is a big palace that was inhabited by the last man of the" independent territory "Atlas" before the constitution of Morocco, it is not surprising then, that the current dynasty of the country has in the oblivion this palace that anyway still keeps well enough. We have parked the autocaravan in the square of the village beside another French autocaravan, and I have gone on foot towards the palace, piercing fields and a small river. I have crossed some arches half demolished and in an interior square I have found the guardian, to who I have commented on my intentions of visiting the palace. He has stared at me to guess how much tip i would give him and then, with tiresome gestures took out a huge key, and has opened the main entrance of the palace. he has explained briefly the ancient utilisation of the different rooms that we kept on crossing, until we have arrived to the incredible rooms that showed the splendour in wich lived the pashà. The guardian has simply commented that the palace had been worked by at least 300 artisans and he has seated in a corner expecting that I finished my photographic sesion.

Ouarzazate (see on map)

Telouet Telouet Telouet Atlas Atlas
Aït+Benhaddou Aït+Benhaddou Ouarzazate,+la+Kasba+de+Taourit Ouarzazate,+la+Kasba+de+Taourit Ouarzazate,+la+Kasba+de+Taourit

The sun awakened radiant and also me, with desires to walk the streets of Teuloet to make some photos. There was a small market in the town and I bought some very economic vegetables, even though they attempted to tangle with the sum. coming back to the autocaravan I awakened Alexandra and after having breakfast and writing a little we went out towards Aït Benhaddou, a magnificent Ksar placed few kilometres in the north of Ouarzazate. We parked in an oriel before entering into the town, from which a privileged sight on the walls and houses of the Ksar was enjoyed. But while we had lunch a strong raising wind started to blow great amount of dust and so we decided to visit the Ksar two days later, when going out of Ouazazate.

The few quilometres that sort out Aït Benhaddou of Ouarzazate were fantasmagòrics, the dust that raised the wind covered all the horizon and even the light of the sun. outside, the air was unbreathable, making the mouth pasty of earth . Therefore we decided to put off the visit to Ouarzazate and we went to encounter with Omar, who we had contacted through Internet.

Omar had sent us the direction of his home through Internet, but this direction only consisted of a line, of a name of street without any number or another indication. We gave several turns through Ouarzazate asking for the situation of the street until we located it, we then asked a man in front of a shop if he knew where Omar lived. he thought a while which Omar we would have to refer to and next accompanied us to a home, where a woman - his mother - commented us that Omar was in the Cibercafè. The man accompanied us there and we met Omar, a very cheerful and genial boy.

Omar lives in a simple but big house, with his father and mother. he does not work because he does not find a job that would want and because of that spends all day long connected to Internet, making friends and even receiving marriage proposals. While we took a delicious tea, he explained to us that a Swiss woman of 44 years proposed him a wedding, but he, in spite of the advantage of the papers, refused her because he prefers to marry to a very young girl. Also we spoke about other subjects, a bit of everything, but without entering in depth in any point, as if the Omar did not want to compromise his opinions. after a good while we thanked for the conversation and we were about to go, but Omar communicated us that his mother was cooking cuscús and insisted that we should remain for dinner.

The father of the Omar seated with us. Omar came from the kitchen with a big teapot and a metal basin and he pored hot water on the hands of his father. Afterwards we washed ourselves in the same way. At the end, Omar went back to the kitchen and came from there with a big silver plate of cuscús and vegetables and three spoons. The father started to eat some with the right hand, I imitated him, but Alexandra and Omar preferred to use the spoon. This time, scrolling these with more skill I achieved to create balls of more compact cuscús that I put in my mouth without letting it fall down . the cuscús was delicious, and soon after finishing we said goodbye until the following day .

This morning we have visited Kasba de Taourit, another lavish residence of the same patxà of the palace of Teulouet. The building, constructed from earth, stone, straw and wood, raises four floors, with simple rooms and others that remember the other visited palaces. Around the big palace there is a beautiful neighbourhood constructed also by reddish earth for which also we have strolled guided by a little boy who has persisted in accompanying us.

In the afternoon we have gone to connect to Internet and we have met again with Omar . We have been working a good while on-line and Omar has invited us at his home again , but we have refused grateful, explaining to him that we wanted to go to sleep to Aït Benhaddou to visit it tomorrow in the morning and to go early towards the following destination: the anti-atlases.

I had visited ten years ago all the places that I visit now in Morocco, but from tomorrow I will start to penetrate into unknown lands . And it is curious, if at first i explained that i pioneered the adventure without too much emotion, as if this of traveling was becoming a routine, this evening, directing towards Aït Benhaddou i had felt for the first time in this second stage, the emotion of crossing a door towards the unknown.

Tata (see on map)

Aït+Benhaddou Aït+Benhaddou Aït+Benhaddou Anti-Atlas Anti-Atlas Tata

I have woke up again early and with energy, and came out to make photos with the light of the morning sun, with the people still awakening. i saw a boy, while focusing the camera towards the big Ksar that climbs to a hill, and started to discuss in a poor French . He has not asked me if I wanted him to guide me, but he accompanied me all the time and even has recommended me some better itinerary in the one that I chose, as for example to enter the Ksar from behind in order not to pay the entry. We have kept on rising a few inhabited small alleys, surrounded with reddish houses made of earth. The boy has guided me, going down from the peak of the hill. On the way back to the village i gave to the boy a few coins who immediately disappeared, probably in search of new tourists.

We have gone towards the new destination (Tazenakht, Foum-Zguid and Tata), that it was not so unknown as i thought, while we were on the road, surrounded by lovely mountains of stones and of green oases of palm trees scattered over the bed of a dry river, we have crossed with tens of motorbikes and cars and other autocaravans and local cars. arriving to Tata we have asked two Belgians that were repairing the suspension of their 4/4 about the multitude of raicing cars that we saw and they have explained to us that they were participating to the non professional or economic version of Paris-Dakar.

Tata it’s a town painted in pale pink and doors and windows in sky blue, and all them with porches of tiled columns and small arches. All girls wore veil, but dressed more diversely and with more living colours, some even with trousers and jogging suit.

Guelmim (see on map)

Tagadirt Tagadirt Tagadirt Tagadirt Palmeral
Palmeral Camino+hacía+el+Sahara    

Like always becoming already a habit, today I have awakened again early to make a morning promenade, this time accompanied by a dog, that has kept on following me all the while at a certain distance and stopping from time to time to scratch the fleas. We have strolled for the dry bed of the river, for the side of the palm trees and through the village that was coming to life. Next we have paid the camping where we have spent the night - the first in all the journey – and we have continued the road.

We have arrived at Akka in few quilometres and the vicissitudes have started there of finding a girl that was volunteer in the town, which we had contacted across Internet . In the end, asking and asking we have arrived at her home door, but they have briefed us there of the girl is out in order to spend the end of week in Tata. Misfortune. Anyway I took advantage to visit Tagadirt, an oases near Akka. Alex has remained in the autocaravan, because in spite of the pleasure of traveling she is also very fond to stay inside, and many times she prefers to be relaxed in our small and comfortable home with her toy elephant , Tuki.

In Tagadirt some boys have been curious and they have ended up going with me and guiding me through the immense palmerar - the garden, that they suggested - and for the village that climbed to a hill, with homes of stone and mud, many of which old and in debris. The children, with a French a little richer than mine kept on nominating me peculiarity that we kept on crossing and that they could be of my interest: "the cat", "the women", "the home", "the garden of the house","la", "the small children"... When we crossed another group of children, these looked at me with surprise and next exclaimed: "bon jour, bon jour!!.

We have continued the route and we have stopped, in one of the few oases in this arid earth, to have lunch to the shadow of a palm tree. While we peeled the potatoes, beans and carrots to cook, some boys came to the autocaravan looking at it as if it was a spaceship. We have greeted with a "bon jour" and have kept observing-us at a certain distance through the window. Then a bigger boy came and explained to us that he wants to go to France to study Law and he was going to be helped by an ONG . The big boy has gone and we have started to eat while the other boys seated on the floor reading the logotypes of the sponsors from the autocaravan. Right before starting to eat the boys have lost the timidity and started to ask us for pens, fruit, balls, sweets... In the end, Alex has distributed some sweets. Bad option, because immediately new children asking for more sweets have arrived. We have refused a little annoyed. Among the boys there was one that seemed the most understanding, he has approached me and he has asked me if it wanted carrots. I have accepted and happy he has left with the bicycle and came back in a moment with a bunch of earthy carrots under his tshirt. In exchange, I gave him some sunglasses .

In the afternoon we have arrived in Guelmim, a city with a bigger centre that we hadn’t seen since Marrakesh. We have parked in a gas station, I have gone out to see a league match of Barcelona - one of the few ties that still reminds me of my country is football - and we have next started to sleep.

Laayoune (see on map)

Camino+hacía+el+Sahara Camino+hacía+el+Sahara Camino+hacía+el+Sahara Camino+hacía+el+Sahara Laayoune
Laayoune Laayoune Laayoune+con+Fadel+i+Nordin   

We went out of Guelmim early towards southwest, for the main road of the South of Morocco that goes towards Mauritania crossing the western sahara. The Anti-Atlas mountains that on the former days cut the horizon disappeared and we found a tiny cultivated green field in the middle of an arid plain,. Sporadically, some herd of goats or camels grazed among the thickets. As we advanced the high-tension cable was going parallel to us in the same direction, we crossed a few white dunes, a pair of very white seas of salt, whirlpools of wind which it raised circularly any bead of sand that they found. For the road we kept on crossing with quite a lot of autocaravans, always French, with a few and some more frequent police controls and soldiers who greeted us as a rule and they let us pass.

We had intention of entering into western Occidental and arriving at night in Laayoune, where we had contacted a friend, but in the morning, when we stoped to take a shower, we noticed that a pipe of the water of the autocaravan had broken and It lasted quite a lot of time to be repaired . So, we continued the road with three hours of delay, becoming dark little before arriving to the small town called Tarfaya, where we spent the night.

We have arrived to Laayoune and have called Fadel from a public telephone and after little he came with his best friend, Nordin, in the modern and spacious square where we had parked. We have gone to take a coffee with milk in a nearby bar and we have started to speak about the situation of western Sahara . Fadel is saharaui, descendant of the nomads who long ago lived in the region, and he has explained us that the main richness was the fishing and the phosphates that are extracted from a mine near Laayoune. Anyway, asking him if Sahara Occidental could subsist as a country if they achieved the independence he explained that perhaps they would be even more poor , but could preserve the culture. In any case, even though Fadel advocated for the independence, this did not seem possible, because at present the region is inhabited by 200.000 Moroccans and only 40.000 saharians, but other 60.000 refugees from Algeria would join . Fadel continued explaining that the United Nations have been present in the region for 16 years - and effectively forces are seen everywhere - but yet the solution has not been found. Nordin made a discreet comment in Arab to Fadel and lowering the voice, Fadel told us that it would be better to change the subject, because we were in some public place and if the police caught him speaking about independence he could have to face a sentence to prison. When we left I got interested in Nordin, that explained me that he was a son of a Moroccan that participated in the "green course" when Morocco took western sahara into its rool. Anyway his opinions were very open and did not show preference for any side. for another hand, he also commented, that as demonstrating their friendship, both communities lived peacefully.

Fadel and Nordin led us to know the city, built long ago by the Spanish, as a church keept magnificently shows it. We visited it inside and we were received by a priest who kept amusing us for a good while with his history. We followed the visit for alleys delimited by ancient shacks of the army at present converted into dwellings and finally they both invited us to lunch in a simple restaurant. We accepted grateful, but we regretted in the afternoon to have accepted, to know the wage that won Fadel: was 2,5 euros on the day working ten hours in a cybercafe. Fadel and Nordin shared a stew of camel, I tasted it and the meat was tender and good. Next Fadel explained that an employed person was looking after a herd of 120 camels of his family and that from time to time he receives the benefits of the sale of a camel, which is some 500 euros. He confirmed to Alex, that effectively long ago two or three camels were given to acquire a woman.

In the afternoon we have passed a good while in the cybercafé where Fadel worked , connected to Internet. I have disconnected before and strolled for the neighbourhood visited in the morning with the intention of making some photos again. The people who crossed me looked at me surprised, especially looking at the shoes that I had bought in Casablanca. coming back to the cybercafè I have asked Fadel why and laughing he has explained me that according to the tastes the shoes were considered very ugly, because they came from Morocco.


I interviewed Fadel that manifested that the main problem of the world is the war. We should understand us better ,between religions and cultures, and we would have to create international associationsto live with peace. He can personally not make anything for the solution, but all the humanity on the whole should do something. The main problem of Morocco is the lack of work. The politicians should attempt to create more possibilities of work, perhaps improving the international relations. Fadel consideres to be happy because he works, he has money to live and he lives in peace. he would be happier if there was more food in the world because the secret of happiness is to share it with the other.

Nordin thought that the main problem in the world is the situation between Israel and palestina that is the fountain of many other problems.. In Morocco he does not see any great problem, neither with the Sahara that of another hand maybe only needs a little more development. Nordin is happy in a basic way because he works, even though in his environment there are many people who can not be happy because they do not find work. he would be happier if he had family with who to enjoy the life and this beautiful country that is Morocco. The secret of happiness is the woman: if you have a good woman and family you will be happy.


Nouadhibou (see on map)

Sahara Sahara Sahara Sahara Sahara

We Have been two days on the road, passing the monotone and flat landscape , so flat that hardly it could be described where the horizon was starting. Only the cliffs in my right that were going down to the ocean gave a certain diversity in sight. The temperature has kept invariable entity some 20-25 degrees, with a constant wind that outside gave a rather cold sensation. The police controls were more frequent, but this time they started to stop us and to ask for all the documentation. Immediately we noticed simply that they required a paper with all our informations and Alexandra wrote a few that distributed to the following controls. For another hand, the herds of goats and camels disappeared from our sight, surely because on both sides of the road we started to discern posters that warned about the danger of mines out of the avenue.

Finally, we have arrived at noon to the border of Morocco with Mauritania. We have completed all formalities without having to give any tip, everything with a little slowness. When I have asked a policeman if there was some problem with our passports the boy replied to me that there was no problem, simply that they were very professional and that everything required its time.

Next we penetrated into the territory of Kandahar (name used by Fadel and Nordin), the space between Morocco and Mauritania. The paved road had disappeared and in front we had some three quilometres of a path of rocks and sand. The path - if really it was one - passed among several dislocated cars and some mysterious inhabitants who seemed to take care of them. At the exit of a curve we have seen on the peak of a hill a construction of wood that we have identified with the den of some bandit. But the path was going in that direction and we have discovered surprised that that was the first of a series of run-down constructions that constituted the customs. I have entered in the first building where there were three men preparing a tea. I have seated to wait in a chair that miraculously did not broke, and after a while one of the three men has gotten up and has aimed in a big notebook all the info from the passports. Next he has asked me what have for him and I have taken out a package of tobacco that i had bought for the occasion. But he refused and he has asked me for some other thing: a telephone, a radio ... Finally he has accepted two sun glasses that I had from CCONG.

In the following two shacks a similar process has been repeated, but this time without giving any gift in exchange. I have paid the 10 euros of each VISA and the 10 more FOR the car and we have followed the road, and made the few quilometres that were missing until Nouadhibou a small city that has frightened Alexandra at first sight.

Mauritania,+Nouadhibou Mauritania,+Nouadhibou,+ONG+APEA Mauritania,+en+el+desierto Mauritania,+en+el+desierto Mauritania,+en+el+desierto
Mauritania,+en+el+desierto Mauritania,+en+el+desierto    

On Wednesday in the afternoon we arrived in Nouadhibou and stopped in a gas station to ask for camping, then, a man approached us with a 4/4 and after asking what we needed he told us to follow him. First brought us to his home, to check out if our autocaravan enter into his garage and after he accompanied us to see two campings that proved to be out of our budget. Next we commented him that we did not want to pay more than one euro for car parking by night and finally he showed us the hotel el Jesira where there was a perfect parking place. Once placed, the man took out a bundle of notes and offered to change for us some money, but the price that he offered was a little under the one that they had commented us at the border. I refused and then offered us an insurance for the vehicle, compulsory in Mauritania. We decided that he will come back the following day at two pm. and that we would talk. Anyway, we went in the next morning to a bank and they offered us a superior exchange rate. We changed some euros and turned well loaded with food in the autocaravan. We arrived at it in the same time as the man from the former day. seeing us loaded already with products he probably realised that we had changed euros, but he just mentioned the insurance and that he could take me there. To the insurer agency they offered me the same price that I had received from another insurer in the morning, therefore I made the insurance right there. While the girl wrote my informations on the forms, the man looked at me worried and asked me:
- How will I be able to win money with you?
- I do not know - I replied to him. But next I commented that i could provide him quite a lot of contacts or I could promote his small Hotel and this seemed to animate him. coming back to the autocaravan we came off to go and to take the tea at his home, but he did not came again or, if he did, we were out .

In the afternoon, while connected to Internet, I received a mail from the ONG Mediterrania-CIE ( located in Tarragona that explained us that they had relation with another ONG of Nouadhibou and that we could contact them if we wanted. It came right on time, and so we sent a message to the mobile telephone of the contact and today in the morning we have been able to meet with Ahmed from the ONG APEA ( He came with a Mercedes and took us to the office, where he has presented us the secretary and the vicepresident of the ONG , BA Djibril. We took a seat on the armchairs of the office of Ahmed and he has started to show the accreditation of the ONG and next to explain all the actions that they were carrying out in Nouadhibou.

Nouadhibou is the last city of Mauritania before arriving to Morocco. According to the news coming from Spain, Morocco had closed the doors to the illegal immigration that was filtered towards Europe, therefore, Mauritania was the country where the majority of immigrants ,blinded by the dream of Europe, came in the purchase of their dreams. Yesterday we had casually met with three Civil Spanish Guards who controlled from Nouadhibou that no illegal boat escaped towards the Canàries or Europe. So, it has not surprised us that Ahmed proposed the immigration and the adversities associated like one of the main problems that all try to resolve in Nouadhibou and even in the world. The immigrants of other African countries can enter into Mauritania without visa, therefore, it is not surprising that 40.000 live at present in the city. Many immigrants arrive with Aids , therefore, performances of formation and of distribution of preservatives are important, "but we have few means"Ahmed complained. On the other hand, the immigrants arrive with very pitiful situations and the distribution of water or of food, sanitary help, education, is sometimes necessary... Anyway, their economic resources are limited and while we sustained the conversation, Ahmed received a call and on hanging he commented they "have intercepted a new boat with 140 illegal immigrants coming from Senegal". In these cases, the ONG APEAH also helps the immigrants assisting them in case they ask for political asylum.

Changing the subject, Ahmed has commented us that another field of action of his ONG is the environment preservation. In this sense, the main problem is the pollution of the coast, from where one of the main wealths of the country is obtained, which afterwards is exported to Europe. Therefore, "Europe and other ONGs should help us more in this sense, because they will be the first beneficiars", has concluded Ahmed. I have asked him how the pollution was produced and he has explained us that the boats and workshops throw away oils without considerations in the ocean, education is missing. for another hand, Mauritania has discovered oil recently, extracting 300.000 barrels on the day and like this it’s dirtying the coast more.

We have seen off little before midday and then we have decided to continue the road and to visit Park Nacional de Banc d'Arguin, a protected area for migratory birds. on the way out of Nouadhibou I have remembered again the definition that a French gave me in at the Border of Morocco: "Nouadhibou is a city without interest, with the main street paved and the lateral ones full of sand". Indeed, like this was Nouadhibou, boiling in the heat during all day long, with a long main street full of trades and of sand in front of these for where they grazed goats and sheep, eating papers and the shit of the donkeys; boys in plastic chairs were seated exactly in front of the asphalt offering telephonic cards to reload; the cars - broken - they used equally the sand as a roadway avoiding the sales msn and the other pedestrians. It was a show that could manage to draw back and this had happened to Alexandra at first sight. But today we were already accustomed and we have gone out of the city simply commenting the poverty that we kept on crossing.

In the desert, the temperature has started to rise, 40 degrees and for the first time we have put the air conditioning : a wonder. We have continued driving for a good paved road that crossed immense plain, leaving behind some dunes, rocks, small bushes, tents and homes of wood half fallen down. With the sun near the horizon we have discovered the poster of the entry to the Park, but there was no road, or the big dune in front concealed it. We went further on to see if we find the road but in front of us there were only compact dunes. Then a 4/4 advanced us making horning with persistence and with the occupants - white -greeting us smiling. On finishing the overtaking we have noticed for the logotype that it was a 4/4 of "Médicos del Mundo". We have continued losing them from our sight and after a good while we have observed that they stopped in the gutter, I have also made it and I have gone out to greet them. There were boys and girls from Madrid visiting their aunt a woman that has been living in Mauritania for some time now. I have asked them for the entry of the Park and the woman has briefed me of finding it some quilometres before the poster. Then I have asked if there was any gas station in the next quilometres and the woman has commented me that there was nothing until Nouakchott, some 150 Km ahead. We continued some km with the light of the fuel switched on, therefore, when we finished talking I have removed one of the jerry cans of gas oil that we had and filled it into the reservoir of the car.


Before seeing off I interviewed Ahmed who explained that the immigration is the main problem of the world and hardly there will be solution, because this will not stop. The people will continue risking their life to search another one much better and they will continue considering martyrs those that have died trying. Anyway the people should be educated about the risks of immigration. The immigration is also the main problem in Mauritania. Ahmed is not happy because many people die in the sea. Anyway, the secret of happiness is God-Allah.

Djibril also thought that the main problem of the world was immigration . The solution would be in the development of Africa through ONGs projects. More money should be destined in this sense. He is a journalist and attempts to write articles to make people aware about the problems of immigration. In Mauritania the main problem is poverty, even though the country is rich in fish, iron and oil. The solution would be found in transparency and fairness, and also in a good government. Also he attempts to help at personal level writing articles about the subject. He is not completely happy because he is worried for the future of his children. If Mauritania was more developed he would be happier, because the secret of happiness is the justice and equality between people.

Nouakchott (see on map)

Mauritania,+Nouakchott Mauritania,+Nouakchott Mauritania,+Nouakchott Mauritania,+Nouakchott Mauritania,+playa+de+Nouakchott

Yesterday we died of heat in the autocaravan but today we have passed cold under a haima on the beach.

We arrived to Nouakchott by night and for certainty we slept in a secure gas station. Yesterday we searched a better place to camp and after sizing up several possibilities we found the hostel "nomades" that reduced the price of 9€ / night at 3€. We stayed in the autocaravan working and writing, but the sun heated our small home and the temperature at noon arrived to 40 degrees. It did not rise more because I turned on the engine and I activated a while the air conditioning.

When the temperature diminished I went out to stroll for Nouakchott and discovered a city that like Nouadhibou it did not have too much attraction with the exception of the movement of African people and others from the Maghreb, of the spoiled cars, of the donkeys and the goats avoiding the cars (or the backhand), of the telephone cards sales man , of stolen telephones (or cameras), of fruit, of vegetables, of eggs, of pale meat, bread... all framed in some buildings without character, some paved streets (or not) and the mudhouses. Yes, maybe this last would be the most outstanding with respect to the architecture.

I attempted to reach some of the contacts that we had in Nouakchott but the communications have been inoperative until this morning. First I have called to Cristina, the coordinator in Mauritània of Médicos del Mundo that we had met on our way to Nouakchott. she has commented me that we could meet today in the morning and she came to search for us in the Hostel. We went to take a coffee in a beautiful (but expensive) ice-cream shop and there I have started to become interested in her work, the actions of the ONG that she coordinated and the situation in Mauritania.

she has explained us that after being seven years working to Mauritania for different ONGs shewill go back to Spain in two weeks to search a new fate. Anyway will take away a very good memory of the country that she has described as a human enigma that you keep on deciphering little by little, a country that can be very open, but also hospitable and with time one can develop solid human relations. Despite everything, like every African country there are many problems of corruption (at every level), coups d'état (there was one two years ago), poverty and many lacks . For example the ablation is still practiced even though they are being made quite a lot of campaigns to block it, there is relatively little Aids but seems that this is increasing, there is a lot tuberculoses, materno-infantil mortality... And against these two last sanitary problems Médicos del Mundo is struggling, she is checking if the programme is applied correctly against the tuberculosis and also she is collaborating with centres of primary assistance.

In the middle of the conversation a friend has called and we have listened to their invitation to go and spend the day on the beach. She has accepted and while hanging on the phone she asked us if we also wanted to go. Happy we have said yes, and her, happy also has confessed us that due to the work there were six months now that she was not going to relax on the beach. We left with the 4/4 of the ONG and after passing for the autocaravan and to her home to take the necessary things, we have gone to the beach in the company of a couple in another 4/4 . the beach was towards the north of the city and to the outskirts towards the right, through an impassable route for our auto caravan . There were other friends (working cooperants, teachers, emplyees of the ambassades...) relaxing under a haima. We have raised another haima spreading a big square fabric of thick cloth on the sand, nailing some six stakes, tying some ropes of the stakes to the fabric and raising the fabric with four supports to the corners and one longer in the centre. We have spread a mat and some pillows under and we have met all for sharing the food, talking under the sea breeze and noticing the fresh and constant air.


On coming back I have taken away the pulse to the world with Cristina but when arriving at the caravan I have noticed that i had not pressed the button of engraving of the camera. Anyway, my bad memory has achieved to remember that according to her, the main problem of the world (and also in Mauritania) is poverty, not only to economic standard but also educational, sanitary, human... The poverty would be solved if the money of the international help could be channeled better . Personally, she attempts to use all the help coming from the ONG for the ones that need it every day.

Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+familia+de+Mohamed Mauritania,++Nouakchott,+familia+de+Mohamed Mauritania,++Nouakchott,+Mohamed+y+su+amigo Mauritania,++Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca
Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+camellos Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+camellos    

The day has started very badly, but thank God has ended well. Alexandra has awakened with bad humour and like this has been until we have met with Bradwell, a North American that was hosted by Mohamet (a boy that we had contacted across Internet) . Bradwell has commented us that Mohamet was not able to come but if we wanted he could take us to his home. Alexandra did not want to come, I suppose that from fear to the unknown, and in front of Bradwell we have started to argue. Finally Alexandra was irritated, but the argument has continued in front of Mohamed, when he has offered us to park the autocaravan near his house and Alexandra has refused categorically. Then I have jumped and have said it that with her attitude and lack of interest (or fear) for the new cultures it was altering a dream that had taken many years to start to come true and that i preferred to continue traveling alone. The dispute has continued, when at noon we have taken out the autocaravan from the hostel and we parked it in a sandy square near the house of mohamed, and Alexandra has manifested that she did not think to go out of the car the next days (I suppose that from fear of the people of the neighbourhood) the argument has burst again with virulence. I was really decided to take her to the airport but Mohamed has intervened delicately and the waters have calmed down again.

Part of the first argument has passed in the house of Mohamed while we expected that he came back after fixing his car. The room was behind some curtains that they gave in the street, was spacious and covered by a big blue moquette half worn away. At one side of the room there was a big double bed that in its time would have to have caused fury. In the voltants there were four mattresses where we were sitting, with the mother ,– she was looking after several children, some men and women who entered and went out from time to time and an old woman who lay half ill. The television was switched on at all times, as if it was another member of the family. It is not surprising then, that one of the first things that Mohamed did when he has picked us up and took us to his room has been precisely to switch on the television. We have started to talk in French and, after asking us if we were married, he has explained us that he is married with a woman that is pregnant, but has another son with another woman with which if he would have married he would have had many problems. While a young girl brought the food for lunch - a delicious rice with fish - , Mohamed has continued explaining that in Europe there is no time for relations, however in Mauritania everybody in the neighbourhood is living with the family, relaxed... therefore, according to him, more wealth means more unhappiness.
Little after sustaining the second argument in the car park, Mohamed has proposed us to going for a ride with his best friend and with the car that was already fixed. This ride has changed my state of mind and has flooded me with happiness, I have felt like a true traveller discovering the world in a car half spoiled, listening to a cassette of Senegalese music and visiting the rich parts of the city, the scrolled fish port with its beautiful painted boats and some dunes where a family that possessed a big herd of camels had camped there with their haimes. It gave me the sensation that Alexandra also enjoyed the experience.

Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca,+peleandose+para+aparecer+en+la+fot Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca,+peleandose+para+aparecer+en+la+fot Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca
Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+cocinando+un+pez+a+la+playa Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca Mauritania,+Nouakchott,+puerto+de+la+pesca

Today in the morning we have gone to the centre with Bradwell to change euros and to visit the museum of the city (without any interest). Bradwell , very interested in our journey kept asking us every type of technical and economical. Afterwards he has explained to us that some months ago he abandoned the United States to travel through Europe and some African countries, but in Mauritania he ranned out of money and he has decided to stay and live there for a while. The family of Mohamed lodged him with great hospitality while he searched work, and has recently found it - he will be an englisg teacher -, but he does not have yet not enough money to pay a taxi and every day walks an hour to arrive to work.

At noon we have gone to lunch at the restaurant that was managed by the family and Mohamed served us the same menu as yesterday. But today Mohamed has been happy, because yesterday we committed the error of not finishing all the rice (Alexandra ate little and I had belly problems), to the evening Alexandra ate very little and today in the morning she preferred to have breakfast in the autocaravan instead of having breakfast with the family.

After having lunch and passing a while more with the family, relaxing, talking, taking the tea and making a pair of interviews, we have gone again to the fish port because It was the main point of interest of Nouakchott and I had desires to discover it with more depth and to make more pictures. On the beach there were one or two boats - or canoes as they name them - painted with living colours worn away, but there were still a few more anchored in the sea and surely fishing, because during my walk arrived a few loaded of fish and other replete of covered sailors with yellow raincoats went from there. The beach was long, therefore it was not activ in all its extension, but when a canoe arrived, boys with donkeys and women with basins gathered all around very busy. More dispersed there were women, poor people who fried the fish fallen down in the sand, expecting with basins and big full yellow bags of fish, girls playing in the sand and the water men talking calmly while they smoked the traditional pipe... Out of the beach the fish was sold on large tables , loaded in vans and covered with ice, or simply offered outside in the heat--

I interviewed two cousins of Mohamed (he did not want to go out in front of the camera). Mariam thought that the main problem in the world was the war of Iraq due to the great amount of innocent people who die there. sHe would not know how to find the solution. The main problem in Mauritania is the lack of work. The government should find solutions and would have to end with the corruption. Mariam is happy because she is with the family and with the people that she loves but she would be happier if she found a man with money to sustain her. The secret of happiness is to be with a person that you love and to have sufficient money to sustain the happyness.

Amadu gave an opinion that the main problem of the world are the wars: in Africa they kill among eachother, in Iraq the terrorists kill innocents... The solution should be found in dialog and help. The main problem in Mauritania is the racial discrimination of the white Moors towards the blacks. The people with white skin used to have black slaves and they still think that they are better than these. The solution would be in the religion and to think that there is only one God that created us. Amadu felt happy because he was healthy, with family and peace but he was also sad. he would be happier if he could receive wages adapted to the family needs. The secret of happiness is to live among people that you love and you to be loved by them.

Moudjeria (see on map)

Mauritania,+bacas+en+tormenta+de+arena Mauritania,+Escuela+de+Moudjeria Mauritania,+Moudjeria,+Bilal Mauritania,+Antic+Moudjeria Mauritania,+Moudjeria Mauritania,+Moudjeria
Mauritania,+Moudjeria Mauritania,+Moudjeria Mauritania,+Moudjeria Mauritania,+Moudjeria,+Família+de+Bilal Mauritania,+Moudjeria  

Today it has been a very intense day. The selfcaravan got blocked in the sand, Alexandra had a new attack of hysteria with the children asking for "cado" (gifts) and me telling her that if she did not calm down i send her home. for another band, today also we have experienced another time the great and selfless Mauritanian hospitality.

However yesterday it was a quite calm day, even though we blocked the autocaravan in the sand. We stopped to have lunch out of the road that seemed of compact sand, but when going out I noticed that the wheels skated and they sank in the sand, to each attempt more. Finally we took out the shovel and took out the sand in front the wheels and placed in front some plastic plates that we bought with this goal. But the irons of plastic disintegrated in the first attempt to go out. For the side of the road we found old tyres what we used as irons but only advanced a little. Then two men in a 4/4 stoped and asked us for if we needed help and I assented grateful. they took out some irons of metal and after putting them correctly achieved to go out at last to the asphalt. It did not seem that they spoke French (or we did not understand what they said), but I put the right habd on the chest and exclaimed “sukran” (thank you in Arab) and they replied very content.

After the accident we continued circulating for the wavy road, which rose and brought non-stop, thickets and some trees, down for some big dunes stabilised by outbreaks of herb. Behind each dune there were some small villages or simply a few homes of mud and tents. We noticed that for the sides of the road there were many dead animals: camels ,cows, sheeps. They seemed out of place, the cows grazing between the dunes, but not as much in the east, when a great extension turned up similar to an arid savannah . Anyway at dark we witnessed again the dunes.

We spent the night in the gas station of some small town because we wanted to arrive at Moudjeria by day in order to give a package that we brought from CCONG for the school of the village. But arriving to the village this morning and asking for the school they have told us that there were two. CCONG had not given us the name of any person - or we did not have it written or did not remember it - so, to the first school they have told us that they did not know CCONG or Rafa and so we have decided to go to prove luck at the other school. But the director of the other school neither seemed to know Rafa even though he has made see that he remembered him slightly. Then we have commented that we brought a package for the school and he has told us that it would go very well, because they had little didactic material, they did not have tables or chairs, they would need four new classrooms, the canteen should also be improved... Anyway we have told him that the package was small. We went to search for it in the autocaravan that we had parked in front of the school (circulating for a path of sand), we came back with the package and we have opened it infront of the director, that arched the eyebrows when we have extracted T-shirts of Barça and two packages of SUN glasses (products given by two companies to CCONG).

After opening the surprise package, the director has offered us to park in front of his home, but on attempting to take out the autocaravan the wheels in front have skated and have sunk deeply in the sand. Before turning on the engine again a few children congregated around the selfcaravan asking "for cados" (gifts), but by accident we have converted into the attraction of the village and many more children turned up manifesting that we will not go out from there if we did not give them "cados" . I I have not paid them attention and I have started to remove the sand from the wheels with the shovel, but the children continued hitting the window and Alexandra did not know how to bear the situation until she has exploded with hysteria, fact that has made her the main centre of attraction generating successive crises of nerves when explaining that there were no gifts, that she would distribute gifts if they went away, that they were breaking the selfcaravan... In the meantime, me and some other boys who have helped me have achieved to collect some irons of metal that we have put under the wheels (but it has not been sufficient), we have deflated the tyres (either it has not been sufficient) and finally, after two or three hours sweating under the demands of cados and the shouts of Alexandra, a 4/4 of the gendarmeria has agreed to pull us and take us out of the hole .

We have parked in front of the shop of groceries of the director, but the children and boys have continued asking "for cados" in exchange for their help. In the end I have removed a box of 36 cariocas and the children have gotten agitated around. One of the boys saw that my integrity was in danger and has offered to distribute them and I have passed to him the responsibility. Minutes later, I have observed from the shop where I was relaxing with a cool drink how the children dispersed between quarrels and cries due to the distribution. The director has offered me to have lunch with them - rice with vegetables - and I have accepted not to approach the selfcaravan, where Alex continued with her attack of hysteria, this time to have the autocaravan clean like a paten because she preferred it like that.

After having lunch, a boy who has been presented as a tourist guide has started to prepare a traditional tea (of strong taste and with a lot of foam). While we took the tea the boy, Bilal, has offered to guide us to some points of interest in the area, but the price that he has commented seemed too high and I have let the time pass. Finally the boy has accepted to guide us in exchange for making him good advertising on internet(Bidal Hamed - Pellicle: 7459480) and for a gift. Alexandra had already calmed down a little and Bilal has risen into the autocaravan and he guided us towards a road that climbed the mountain in front of Moudjeria. From the top of the mountain the landscape was impressive, with the town at the feet and an extension of dunes that disappeared among a storm of sand that decreased. A little more up we stoped again and Bilal has guided me on foot through some debris and rocks until the debris of the ancient village of Moudjeria inhabited until 1900. And has shown me beyond a small cave a painting that he had discovered. On coming back towards the autocaravan Bilal has asked me why Alexandra did not accompanied us and I have answered to him:
- the romanians are a little crazy .
- Yes, but also very beautiful - has added Bilal.
We have continued the road until the following village, in the middle of one big oases where they cultivated everything (according to the boy) and we have come back through the same road even though we have stopped before entering to Moudjeria, to a hidden fountain among the rocks of a narrow valley. In Moudjeria we have strolled a little through the village and I was invited to play their typical game.

Bilal has proposed us to go to after the mosque to greet his mother . While we waited for him I took a shower, but some children continued calling outside asking "cados" and, even one of them has attempted to open the door. Then I have opened the door naked and I have told them that the car was our home and that they could not annoy us like this. This time, the mothers who were there must have scolded the children because they have not bothered us again.

We have gone at the house of Bilal, who has presented us to his mother and started to prepare us the traditional tea very parsimoniously. It has kept on becoming dark and we have ended up drinking the tea under the light of the stars or of the torches - the electricity will not arrive to the viillage until 2008. Next Bilal has brought us dinner, a big dish of pasta with beans that we have ate avidly with the hands. During all the time Bilal asked us about the best way to obtain the visa for Europe and if we could help him. they have taken milk of goat, hot and foamy, which I have tasted but its not completely safe for us. And finally, little before going to sleep, Bilal gave me a bubu, a typical masculine dress from Mauritania - In the Morning Alexandra also brought the veil, the typical dress that she had received from the family of Mohamed in Nouachott -.

Ayoune (see on map)

Today I have noticed with more realism that it will be complicated to cross all Africa and Asia with an autocaravan and that there are quite a lot of possibilities that problems might block us will appear, even though I will always attempt to avoid the maximum of problems and to solve those that appear.

Everything went well, advancing among dunes, mountains and semi-savannahs, when at a hundred of quilometres of Ayoune, the road, that until then was excellent, it has started to crack and to pierce in front of us. I have kept on loosening the speed, avoiding the first holes, but every time more holes turned up, deep and full of sand. In spite of the signals of Alexandra I have not reduced the speed enough and it has in the end been impossible for me to avoid some big holes that have turned up in front of us. The suspension has crashed with force and Alexandra has made me stop. There was water that was falling but we did not know from where. I have not wanted to give importance and we have followed the road, with precaution which has not stopped from shaking with violence again. Then we have stopped again and we have discovered that water profusely poured out for a drainpipe and in a minute the deposit of clean water of the dwelling has been emptied. This meant not to be able to have a shower in the evening, to have to search water the following day and to find what the problem was and to solve it. While we were discussing the situation worried ,a big motorbike has stopped nearby with a couple above.

Immediately I have noticed that i had visited their web site before pioneering the journey, for the logotype that they had in the motorbike: We have introduced and they have explained to us that they had been traveling for 5 years for all the world. Now they had been traveling for Africa from the West but they were coming back because the money was finished for them. They thought to work some months in Spain and to follow the journey afterwards towards Asia. We have commented perhaps that we will meet eachother when we come back from Africa, but we have not talked more, because we were in the middle of the nothing, in a very bad road, and both parts we had desires to arrive at the destination before the black night.

We have risen to the autocaravan again and we have much more slowly followed the road for the sand and among the holes in the asphalt. When the road has improved it had gotten dark. Luckily we have continued putting a lot of attention on the road. On arriving at Ayoune I have discovered the problem of the water: the cap of the background of the water deposit had been uncovered. We have had a shower throwing ourselves some potable water with the hope that tomorrow we achieve to load the 100 litres and this will mean to solve only one of the problems, because tomorrow they will cross the border with Mali.


Middle of nowhere (see on map)

Mali,+Camino+a+Bamako Mali,+Camino+a+Bamako

In the end we have not had problems when going out from Mauritania nor when entering Mali, simply a little bureaucracy and small incidents, but I suppose that that is normal. About 100 km before arriving at the border, a policeman asked us in a control checkpoint whether we could take him up to the border. I supose it was better not to refuse, anyway it has gone well, because during the road we have maintained an animated conversation and has commented us that was not necessary to give any gift or "cado" to cross the border. So, when an officer of the police has asked me in a small dark room that i had to give him gift, I have said no with safety, informing him about the policeman that we had taken having told us that it would be unnecessary. he seemed confused, but has added that the police and the customs were different bodies. Finally, after accompanying me up to the car, he was convinced that we would not give him anything and called some Senegalese who had arrived on the other side.

We have continued through the same good road without being convinced to have crossed the border of Mali, since we had not bought any visa although a policeman with a uniform of a different green had welcomed us Mali. We have continued intrigued while we crossed small villages of round houses made with mud, groups of cows with hump and enormous horns and steppes of high grass and spread trees, some of which I deduced that were baobabs. Finally, after a hundred kilometres we have found the customs. There we have changed money, once the visa has been bought, the insurance of the vehicle bought... and when finishing after a couple of hours we have continued the road. on the road we have been following a French 4/4 that we had greeted on the border. In the next village he has stopped and we have arrived soon after him. I have gone out to talk and the man has told us that he was alone traveling West Africa. We have also explained our plans to him and he has made a gesture of envy. Afterwards he has informed us about him probably sleeping on one of the sides of the road, before arriving to Bamako, since there was no danger. We have told him that also we would probably do the same and like this we have finished, parked among the bushes of the savannah.

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