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This is Jan's diary. If you want to receive this diary by mail, write your mail on the contact form.


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Ankara (see on map)


The next stop after the beautiful Mount Nemrut was Cappadocia, which we had visited the previous time. We spent a few days practically doing nothing, spending much of the day connected to the Internet, besides devoting a morning to walk through the mountains and another to meet a man from couchsurfing, Zili Kilim. Zili had lived much of his life in France, allowing you to analyze the Turkish society with a different perspective. He explained that in Turkey people are very hospitable, although sometimes it can be a problem, for example, to visit his family driving for 24 hours, friends or relatives do not take into account the fatigue and keep him awake for another 24 hours . In fact, his mother is still worried about him, he already being 40 years old, and always has to watch what was done in order not to upset the family. In any case, Zili criticized much more acute loneliness with which people live in Europe and France in particular. For example, his girlfriend refused to go for salt to a neighbour the first time he came to France and had to cook without this essential ingredient. On the other hand, in France, people pay too many taxes, limiting personal freedom, along with laws, economy ...
After spending a day at a Fiat changing the front window of the autocaravan, we got to Ankara where we wanted to change a battery that was still under warranty and meet a friend. Unfortunately we could not find the friend and the battery could not be changed instantly, having to wait six days to make all the proofs. During this wait, we passed the time while we were parked in a large shopping mall where we got wifi Internet. We acted as if it had already finished the journey, or as if after a long summer, now we had no choice but to hibernate. In any event, we were not entirely inactive, because I also spent many hours editing the diary of four years, when travelling in Europe, with an eye to possible future publication.

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