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Athens (see on map)

Greece,+Ahtens,+Acropolis Greece,+Ahtens,+Temple+of+Hephaestus Greece,+Ahtens,+Agora Greece,+Ahtens,+agora Greece,+Ahtens,+esculture+in+agora. Greece,+Ahtens,+Acropolis,+Erechtheion
Greece,+Ahtens,+Temple+of+Hephaestus Greece,++Ahtens,+Alexandra Greece,++Ahtens,+Alexandra Greece,+Ahtens,+me   

It is already a week and a half that Alexandra has arrived. The first weekend we passed it out of Athens, in some coastal town, passing the hours together. Even then, at first, some conflicts appeared, for Alexandra arrived without being too much thrilled with the journey and worried by her future after it, since on the contrary to her friends of Romania, she does not have finished the studies nor has a good job or status. And her situation still would be worse when finishing the journey, or before finishing it, if I abandoned her, because she would have wasted some precious years of her life. Naturally, she was not considering that many people were dreaming of carrying out a journey as the one that we were carrying out, even about the enriching experiences that this provides. I got upset about her approach contrary to the adventure and to the risk, although i also understood her reasons that were probably induced by her worried mother. On the other hand, i also noticed that the small conflicts that were appearing from the arrival of Alexandra, were not always provoked by her. i was approaching the critical date for my relations , for none of the previously maintained ones had ever surpassed two years. I was not feeling taken care of or loved, i lost the patience to the minimum and any comment or opinion that distanced from my logic was boring. At the same time, i also had to admit that Alexandra was proving to me that in spite of everything, she wanted to continue on my side, and that she preferred risking her future and to keep travelling with me, whatever happened. So, I decided to continue ahead and to keep giving us an opportunity, although during some moments I was about to send everything to hell.

These days, have served not only for evaluating our relation and the forces to continue together the journey, during these days we have also dedicated quite a lot of hours to put the journey to point, after being a year out of Europe. First and the most important thing, I carried out a new insurance for the car, valid for Greece, Turkey and Iran. Beforehand i had gone to the state company of Greek insurances and they commented me that all the cars that entered to Greece without insurance had to pay 180 € for insurance for one month. I did well missing the customs of the port, for less of this amount i would have an insurance for three months carried out from Spain. Parallel to the insurance, we also change the brakes of the car, had buyed some spare filters for the next change of oil, fixed again the iron protection of the engine and buy the protection of the fridge that the customs of Israel lost during the inspection and that as it seems they will not pay me despite telling me that they had insurance company.

And between discussion and discussion, and between repair and repair, we have also had quite a lot of time to meet with quite a lot of people in Greece, all of them very interesting, although I took these new friendships as another parenthesis in the journey, then already did more than one year that the journey had passed through Greece and I had then already shown interest in its politics, culture, traditions, opinions... I admit that it is not such a positive attitude from my part, even though - I repeat - i did not deprive myself of enjoying with these friends and maintaining very interesting conversations.

Many of these new friendships asked me about my economic resources that allowed me to travel. It is a question that i had not been asked too often in Africa, then there it is tended to believe that any white has the possibility to travel as long as he wants it. Gotten used to the question already, i always repeated the same answer: a third of the money I obtain it writing for media, another third pays the company that i had, and the rest the bank and I will have to return them. Here, the friends often also ask me what i will do when i return, and if i will be capable to stay in one place. I always answered them that the journey does not stop being a project that I have, a project that I expect to open me the following doors: being writer and maybe writing books that provide solutions to the problems of the world.

Greece,+Lesbos,+easter Greece,+Lesbos,+easter Greece,+Lesbos,+easter Greece,+Lesbos,+easter Greece,+Lesbos,+easter
Greece,+Lesbos,+town Greece,+Lesbos,++termal+waters Greece,+Lesbos,+termal+waters Greece,+Lesbos,+town Greece,+Lesbos,+easter Greece,+Lesbos,+near+termal+waters
Greece,+Lesbos,+Mitilinis Greece,+Lesbos,+Mitilinis Greece,+Lesbos,+Mitilinis Greece,+boat+to+Lesbos Greece,+boat+to+Lesbos
Greece,+boat+to+Lesbos Greece,+boat+to+Lesbos Greece,+from+Lesbos+to+Athens Greece,+Lesbos,+easter Greece,+Lesbos,+easter 

After being Tuesday on the beach and eating a delicious bors (a typical sour soup of plants of Romania that Alexandra cooked) we returned to Athens to meet some friends and to attend a concert of Greek traditional music, with two lutes, big double bass, a melancholic singer and an excellent clarinettist. At the end of the concert, Electra, one of the friends, suggested us:
- Do you want to come to celebrate the orthodox Easter to the island of Lesbos?
There were other boys invited, Natan, a Belgian that was studying to plat the flute in Athens, and Hector, a Spanish that was on holidays in Greece for two weeks. Alexandra did days that she asked me to celebrate the orthodox Easter with friends, cause she is Orthodox, and naturally we accepted. Besides, who would miss the opportunity of seeing a heap of lesbians and lesbianes? Ei, I do not refer to the women that are attracted among themselves, I refer myself the people of the island of Lesbos. Anyway, it is well true that the women who are attracted to each other, are also called lesbian, due to a former woman poet from greece born on the island of Lesbos. This woman poet was named Sappho and wrote different poems of love directed to other women, leaving the name of lesbian associated with this type of love for the posterity.

The five of us have enjoyed many good days in Lesbos (the third biggest Greek island, or the eighth of the Mediterranean), walking in Mitylene, its calm and commercial capital, and knowing the island thanks to some friends of Electra that had car and also thanks to the generosity of another lesbian that stopped for us when we did hitchhiking. Lesbos is famous among the Greeks for its Uzo (alcoholic drink) and for its olive oil, proves of that are the 11 million olive trees that cover most of the island. Lesbos is also known by its numerous thermal springs, which feed different baths of Turkish type and which we also enjoyed two of the days.

But the most impressive thing was to observe the traditional celebrations of the orthodox Easter. The orthodox Easter is celebrated normally to different dates of the catholic Easter (or occidental), because the orthodox Christians used traditionally the Julian calendar, whereas the Catholics used the Gregorian calendar. Apart from these differences on the dates, also there are other differences in the celebration of the death and Resurrection of Jesus, although not to stretch out explaining them, I will only describe briefly my experience of these days. In any case, they were some interesting celebrations, after all, as Wikipedia says , Greece is the first big country with more proportion of Christians, only 4 small countries have more proportion of Christians, among them the Vatican, naturally.

On Thursday, the night in which Jesus dies, the churches were filled with believers to listen to the sacred writings, finally, before midnight, all the lights of the church were turned off and illuminated by tenuous candles where it can be observed a big cross transported hesitating between the tearful believers and children. The day after we observed the celebration of the embalming of Jesus and its burial in the village Agiassos. Thousands of believers met in the church and the streets to observe the epitaf, a box covered of flowers symbolising the sarcophagus of Jesus and that was transported through the streets of the village. And on Saturday it was the great the Resurrection night. Again, thousands of believers met in churches taking the best clothes and white candles adorned with flowers, or toys in the case of the children, and waited for the hour of the Resurrection, when the lights are turned off and the light of God arrives turning on the candles of all the believers , passing the flame between eachother. This is also the night of the big eat and the youngsters compete with the red eggs that were prepared on Thursday night, symbolising the blood of Jesus. Every child has a hard-boiled egg, and crush against the other ones searching for a winning egg that has not been broken, while the rest of the children enjoy themselves eating their broken egg.

Meteora (see on map)

Greece,+Metheora Greece,+Metheora Greece,+Metheora Greece,+Metheora Greece,+Metheora,+inside+monastery Greece,+Metheora

During the journey we have been lodged by numerous people, but these days it has been the other way round. When returning from Lesbos, we invited Hector, the Spanish traveller, to visit the mountains and monasteries of Meteora with us. And not only travelled and ate with us but, besides, slept a day in the autocaravan, accommodating the table and seat as bed. The second night, Hector slept outside, not because we did not want him inside, but because he preferred sleeping under the stars contemplating the impressive landscape of Meteora. But despite insisting of sleeping on the ground, he often commented us how fortunate we were of the possibility to travel with an autocaravan and that in the future, if his economic situation improved, also would try of doing it. Anyway, Hector could not complain either in a complete way, since during all last year he was travelling through south America. On the other hand, Hector has the advantage of having an extrovert, affable and altruistic character that immediately arouses the friendliness of the people and their hospitality. For sure that in a near future will also be able to carry out his dream. Good luck Hector!

Tessaloniki (see on map)


Following the same route as 2 years ago, after Meteora we moved up to Tessaloniki where i had to receive a letter from Spain with the insurance of the car that would allow us to enter Turkey and Iran. But on Friday the letter had not arrived yet to the post office, and instead of arranging to meet with people of Tessaloniki that previously we had already gotten in touch, we prefered passing the weekend on the beach. Alexandra did not want to meet with Kiriaki, the girl of Tessaloniki with who I had had a small adventure the previous time, and I did not feel either like running into anybody in general. I still felt without illusion to continue travelling, or as to minimum without the same illusion that i had at first, although i did not want either to give up the journey or to return home. This disorientation I mean that it was the cause of the slight attacks of anxiety that I suffered during the weekend and the two following days. Joined the disorientation or disappointment, also there is the tiredness or anguish for the possible problems that perhaps we will have in the future during the journey: the difficulties for entering Iran if they discover that I have been in Israel, the impossibility about entering in China by car, if we have to sell the car in India or to embark it to other destinations,… does not have the same energy as before to confront the slips, but I feel like having it again. In any case, I trust that the illusion will return me when i will be in Turkey, past Istanbul, when everything is new for me, and when in a certain way the odyssey of not being able to cross Syria to arrive to Turkey has finished.

On Tuesday the letter arrived at last and i cheered up a little to be able to follow the journey to east, I started to define some goals that have kept being stated as we approached Istanbul:
• I will be thrilled again with the project to take the pulse to the world and will try to interview many more people, more than one person for each country.
• I will get excited for the new people, cultures, histories, landscapes... that I will discover, becoming every time more rich as t present.
• I will convince myself again that the difficulties of the journey are positive to grow as a person and at least, are positive to explain.
• I will propose to be more conscious making use of the influence of the new cultures and Asian religions. Europe was an intellectual continent, Africa was instinctive and full of adventure, I think (or I wait) that Asia will be a continent of spiritual growth.


Istambul (see on map)

Turkey,+Istambul,+Aya+Sophia Turkey,+Istambul Turkey,+Istambul Turkey,+Istambul,+Grand+bazaar Turkey,+Istambul,+Grand+bazaar Turkey,+Istambul,+bridge+over+bosforos

The days in Istanbul have gone by very intensely, although now I am writing these words listening to the underlying waves of the Black Sea and the importance of these last days seem more appealing to the diary. In any case, I will start to retell the most irrelevant events, which in fact are not.

From Thessaloniki we reached Istanbul in two days. Last night we spend it next to a beach on the Sea of Marmara, in some coastal town close to Istanbul. In the morning, when we were about to follow the journey, a man called Mustafŕ approached us and proved us the meaning of the Turkish hospitality. Without speaking almost anything of English he invited us to a coffee and tried once in his home to maintain a conversation with us using a dictionary and a book of English of his son. Finally, without insinuating in any moment, he offered to load water for the autocaravan, which in fact we needed. Before dismissing us, I looked for the translation of thanks to his dictionary and I exclaimed with feeling "Tesekkür".

When entering again Istambul, although it had already surprised me the first time almost two years ago, I was surprised again by the modernity and the enormity of the city and its suburbs, in which about 12 million people live. Meanwhile, Alexandra described me the feelings of going to a country where its people tried so much time to occupy her own country. On the other hand, the stay in Istanbul and the visit to its monuments, markets, commercial areas, returned me part of the lost and necessary energy to continue the journey, but especially when observing the illusion with which Alexandra discovered this new city.

It also returned me another part of the energy to meet with two new people in Istanbul, which I interviewed for the project of taking the pulse to the world and with them I maintained very interesting conversations about religion, esoterism, morality, God... Besides, with Alp, the first boy that we meet, we also talk on the freedom of speech in Turkey. When asking for the interview he presented us the Turkish law 301, according to which any Turk that appears a little against Turkey, against its rulers or its history will face a sentence of prison. This law was also one of the causes that from Turkey no one could access the web Youtube on internet, because there it had been exposed a video where Ataturk was attacked, the national hero and father of modern Turkey.

In any case, the stay in Istanbul was much more transcendent than these visits and meetings, because in fact in Istanbul I defined the continuation of the journey. When looking on Internet if in India i could sell the autocaravan I discovered that, not, because (among many other motifs) the authorities do not import vehicles with the steering wheel on the left. This discovery, and the knowledge that in Australia i could not sell the autocaravan with easiness, for little it made me give up the idea about continuing the journey to Asia, to follow it directly to America with a new vehicle. But after meditating on multiple options, I finally preferred the following plan:
We will keep travelling with the autocaravan through Turkey, Iran (if they do not let me enter I will have to reconsider all the plan), Pakistan and India, where I will try to sell the autocaravan to an European that returns to Europe or leave it parked as long as we visit the following countries: Nepal, China, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand. Next we would come back towards Europe with the autocaravan if i had not sold it beforehand.

But still there was another decision of great importance that took place in Istanbul. For days i realised that with my actions i was trying to dynamite my relation with Alexandra. It is a mistake that it does more than 10 years that does not give up on me or i don’t give it up. With my previous couples, after about two years of communal life, I ended up being overwhelmed and not accepting anymore the mistakes of my partners and i started to dynamite the relations because i did not have the value of breaking it unilaterally (or of accepting it such as it was). That was happening to me and Alexandra,i lost very easily the patience with her frequent phases of bad humour and started to wish that she returned to Romania to follow the journey alone, although i thought that she loved me too much as to abandon me trouble free. In fact - Alexandra often reminded me of it - nobody would get to love me as much as she, and i believed that too: she had changed a lot for me, although I believed insufficient.

In any case, i did not think that Alexandra would end up leaving me with so much easiness but she had the option of breaking the relation, for I mean she was also tired that i told her that i did not love her any longer. In fact, Alexandra did not want to break the relation, but to return to Romania to take care of her ill grandmother while I crossed Iran and Pakistan, for afterwards to meet again in India. But I knew that if i continued alone i would not wait for her. I had in my hands the opportunity of breaking the relation in a very little traumatic way. But then, as always, I started to value the many good moments lived with Alexandra and to value all the changes carried out by her, for example the absence of crisis of nerves from Ethiopia. We pass a whole afternoon embraced, Alexandra crying by our imminent separation while I was taking one of the most important decisions of my life. Finally I exclaimed with feeling:
- I do not want you to leave, if you leave i would not wait for you. I want to continue the journey with you - later I expressed. - I love you, forgive me for all the damage that I have done to you.


When taking the pulse to the world with Alp, he answered that the main problem of the world is the ignorance and the lack of sharing of information. The problem would be solved with education, teaching philosophy and ethics. He can collaborate as writer introducing subtly moralities in his writings. The main problem of Turkey is the education, that its based in cliches that the people do not question if they are true or not. The solution would be it as in the world case. Alp is considered happy thanks to his esoteric beliefs that allow him to be optimistic. Alp would be happier if the people were more tolerant and more altruistic. The secret of happiness is to follow the virtues that one has.

Ferhan opined that the main problem of the world is the knowledge, which hardly can be accessed. Only some extraterrestrial visitors could solve the problem. In Turkey, the education is also the main problem, which does not let one think beyond the teachings. he was not optimistic with the solution of the problem, although he tries to influence his friends. Ferhan is considered happy, with the books, friends, music, humour... Ferhan would be happier with the good company of a girl. The secret of happiness is the knowledge, for example knowledge of what you want or what you like.

Ankara (see on map)


We were few days in Istanbul because we had to solve different things in Ankara, the capital. Even so, we gave a little turn of the city and after we spent a day enjoying the calm and little exploited Black Sea, the same sea that cools down Romania, the country of Alexandra, a sea that I had not seen yet. Although the sea is blue, as the rest of seas, i think that its name is provoked by the rich concentration of micro-algae due to the very few salinity of the sea due to the little visibility of the Black Sea, which is only of 5 meters (25 meters in the Mediterranean Sea).

Today mid-morning we have arrived to Ankara, a modern surprising city (Alexandra often comments that Turkey is much more modern and developed than Romania), and we have went directly to the embassy of Spain where they were keeping the passport that i had carried out in Ethiopia (the embassy of Ethiopia had sent it to Kenya instead of Egypt and as i could not collect it in Egypt i asked them to send it to Turkey). The embassy has delivered the new passport and informed me that i should go to the police to print the visa of Turkey to the new passport. But that meant a problem, because having the experience of the renewal of the passport in Egypt, i knew that in the new visa they would refer to the old passport, in which i had evidence of having entered Israel, the option of entering Iran becoming impossible. I was discussing the problem with the embassy and we finally found the solution. The Spanish can travel to Turkey using only the card of identity, so, i could declare the old passport lost, i would go out from Turkey using the DNI and i would enter using the new passport, which would only have visa of entry without any reference to old passports. On the other hand, this option did not mean that we would do many more kilometres of road, since we planned on visiting the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea.

Not having option of starting to carry out the visas of Iran and Pakistan until we had not gone out of Turkey, we decided to start to go the same day, towards the south coast of Turkey, before however, we met an hour with Özgür, the boy of Couchsurfing that had received some maps of Asia uninterestedly; my international driving licence that he had sent it to Jordan; and another two books of Lonelyplanet. It was a short meeting, but we remained of meeting again in Ankara when returning, since Özgür plans on doing a similar journey to ours on motorcycle and was anxious to get information.

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