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Agonda (see on map)

India,+Agonda+beach India,+Agonda+beach India,+Agonda+beach India,+Agonda+beach India,+Agonda+beach
India,+Agonda+beach India,+Agonda+beach    

Indeed, the beach of Agonda is excellent for camping with the autocaravan, one of the best places in the world to camp. In the south of the small village of Agonda, not excessively corrupted by tourism, there is a big wasteland under some palm trees and in front of a deserted beach. When we arrived there were camping cars of other Europeans of different nationalities, a dozen of autocaravans and everything, then the beach of Agonda itself has been converted in the point of meeting of the overland travellers in India. It was very good to meet with some of them to exchange ideas and to listen to other projects. Some were decided to embark the cars towards Malaesya or Singapure paying 1000 or 2000 euros, and afterwards Australia (to continue with America or Europe, for foreign vehicles cannot be sold in Australia); others simply planned on travelling some years more between India and Nepal (6 months in every country); and very few thought to do as us, to let the car in Nepal to travel a season through Southeast Asia without vehicle.
When we arrive to the beach of Agonda, we had intention of staying a week, or maximum two, to relax in this idyllic place. Anyway, some travellers had already warned us that the beach of Agonda was tricky, for you always say that you will leave shortly and never go. And indeed, had only passed half a week and already started to plan to rest a longer time, about six weeks (the maximum, not to have too many problems with the car in India), before continuing with the journey. I suggested it to Alexandra, doing some good holidays in our journey and naturally she accepted.
From the beginning of the journey in Europe and afterwards Africa and Middle East, I have liked to talk a lot with the people and to exchange ideas, on the problems of the world and their region, but also on religions and philosophies. Throughout these three years of journey my beliefs have kept evolving, ending up maturing in convictions. it’s been time that i thought to write a book about my ideas and convictions once the journey finished, when i had much more information compiled. However, some weeks before reaching Agonda, I started to feel that the hour of starting to write came, in the form of a novel (in Catalan) and not of essay. When we reached Agonda, i already had some written pages, which i had intention of multiplying in number throughout the following weeks. And indeed,i have been dedicating an average of 8 or 10 hours writing, leaving written at the end of these six weeks a hundred pages or the equivalent to 80% of all the work. From now, the following months I will follow with the writing in spare times, with the intention of trying to publish the novel as we returns to Europe (if there is luck with the publishing companies).
Anyway, apart from the 8 to 10 hours of writing there have also been in excess many hours to enjoy this paradise where we were. Every morning we woke up with the noise of the waves of the sea. A couple of hours later a man who sold cakes and biscuits for breakfast arrived. I used to have breakfast in the autocaravan, reading in the computer, while Alexandra made it in the hammock that we had bought and had hanged between two palm trees. Quite a lot of days we swim in the sea, playing with the waves with a mattress of plastic or next i was swimming up to a rock. Many days we went out up to a restaurant close to the beach where they served tali (a very typical and economic India dish), or we met friends who there were coming to Agonda. Every afternoon there was a precious sunset, which we used to contemplate seated in the hammock. Some night we met to dine or to take some beers with other travellers. And at night we fell asleep under the light of the moon and the wind of sea, which blew at any time, enjoying the fresco. There was only an inconvenience in this paradise, the Indians that arrived in the weekend with buses, full of beer and with the music at full volume, that they broke the calmness that we had enjoyed during the week.

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