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This is Jan's diary. If you want to receive this diary by mail, write your mail on the contact form.


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Girona (see on map)

This afternoon I have seen off my family in home of my parents, the Teularia, in Orís. Afterwards in the Tse-Tse of Torelló I have made a dinner of farewell with my friends. We were not meeting all since many time ago and it has been close. We have been drinking until passes three of the morning of the barrel of beer that has given us the Tse-Tse. And finally I have seen off the few friends who remained.

I have turn on the Hymer with the intention of stopping to sleep in any place. But I have kept on throwing Vic direction. Afterwards I have taken the Eix direction Girona and I follow. I have started to count out the first kilometers of the more than 150.000 that I will have made after three years. I was leaving behind road that I knew well, a road by where I would not drive in much time again. I was leaving behind many good friends, the family, and many good moments. The kilometers consumed slowly and the melancholy kept on impregnating me. But at the same time outcropped the illusion of being pioneering this journey which I dreamed so much time ago, this journey that I had prepared with so much dedication. Also the illusion about these uncertain good friends that I will know, these very good moments that I will live.

Finally the slept has started to win me and after an hour and half of driving in the darkness I have stopped beside a gas station and have started to sleep.

Bascara (see on map)


This morning I have awakened without sleeping my eight hours and maybe because of the illusion or because of the coffees of yesterday I have not been able to sleep again. I have token a shower and I have gone out to buy the newspaper The Periodico because a report of my journey appeared. I have been reading it while I eaten some of the excesses of the meal of yesterday in home of my parents.

In the afternoon I have been sorting more things in the Hymer and finally have gone out direction Bàscara, where my uncle Jordi lives.

Halfway I have noticed that there was the open door of the bath and it crashed. I have parked beside the road with the four blinkers and I have gone towards behind to close it. At once, a rare sensation of seasickness has taken me, as if I went in boat, and I have commented, north wind blows very strong. But then I have looked thought the window and have seen that the selfcaravan was moving behind. I have jumped towards ahead and I have pulled the handbrake. The Hymer have stopped in knock. I had forgotten to putting it. Luckily the selfcaravan had not occupied many space of the roadway and no accident had happened. I have proposed myself to sleep all the necessary hours from now and to drive with four eyes.

Little later I have arrived to the farmhouse where my uncle lives, but he was not there. I have been all the afternoon with the Hymer parked in front of the era organising more things (and it is still lacking me a lot). I have decided that the following day I will go towards Perpinyà.

When already I was thinking to go to sleep Jordi has arrived with Elisenda and Quim. I have met them a while and we have been speaking a little of everything.


Narbonne (see on map)


I have had a good bread with tomato and cold meats for breakfast with Jordi and Elisenda. Afterwards Jordi has let me use its connection of Internet and have been rectifying some subjects of the page and unloading mails. I have become happy because yesterday 500 unique users connected on the page and I have also received many answers to the interview.

Late in the morning I have gone towards France. There was a lot of north wind but I I have kept on going slowly. I have decided to leave Perpignan behind me and to make night in Narbonne.

At midday I have stopped to the Air of Chateau des Sauses to have lunch. I have observed once parked that quite near a quite interesting castle raised. After having lunch I have gone there with the camera of filming and photographing, even though I have not made any photography because once there I have noticed that I had forgotten the camera ignited. Visiting the Chateau des Sause, at least from outside, is worthwhile. Its sleep walls are impressive.

Mid-afternoon I have been towards Narbonne but before entering there I have gone towards Gruissan, at the foot of a lagoon, where I have been making some photos. While I was focusing, a dog, an Alsatian dog, has turned up. It seemed without owner and it did not stop following me everywere. But when I have climbed to the Hymer it also has wanted to go with me. But I haven’t leave it and it has started to bark me from the window of the driver. I have regretted it, but I could not take it away with me. I have started off, slowly, but the Alsatian dog did not move from the front of the selfcaravan and when at last it has moved back I have sped up. For the rear-view mirror I have seen how it pursued myself. But finally, poor dog, it has gotten tired.

In Narbonne I have parked in a public car park near the center where there were other selfcaravans. Already it had gotten dark, but I have unloaded the bicycle and I have started going towards the center, but immediately it has started to rain. Misfortune, I will see if tomorrow it is sunny.

Mont-Pellier (see on map)

Narbonne Narbonne

When awakening, after eating breakfast and having a shower, I have been working with computer preparing messages to send, editing images, writing the diary... Afterwards I have unloaded the bicycle again and I have gone to make a stroll with both cameres. Narbonna is an interesting town, pity that there was not too much sun to make good photos.

I have found a cybercafe, but it was very expensive (5€/hora). I have been searching and ask for other, but it seams that there was not any other. Narbonna seems not to have too much immigration and perhaps this could be the motive.

In the afternoon I have gone towards Montpellier. With the help of the GPS I have found the home of Bruno a friend that it had made through the portal But he has sent me a message that he was with his girlfriend and that today we would not be able to meet. I have gone to eat a kebab and afterwards I have paid entry in a bar to see the match Barcelona-Chessea in a giant screen. They were the majority of Barça and we all have celebrated the step of the play-off.

I am happy, I believe that I am adapting myself quite fast to the journey. Now I will start to contact people across Internet in the cities for those that I keeps on passing and I will start to activate the project of taking the pulse to the world.

Montpellier Montpellier Montpellier

I thought that sleeping would have been more difficult to me. Yesterday I parked the selfcaravan in a street with quite pending -although near Bruno home - and practically I have slept with the head a pair of handspans down the feet. But I must have slept well, because I have not awakened until before 9 hours. Tomorrow I will put on the alarm clock again, I believe that I already have retrieved the lost sleep on the before days.

In the morning I have gone out to stroll a while but there was quite lot of wind and I had not protected myself very much and I have come back to my sweet home. After having lunch I have headed again to the center making quite a lot of photos and filming.

I have received a message of Bruno to meet at 8 hr in the Pub le Abreuvoir, but I have gone before to a cybercafe with my laptop. But the boy of the local has not known how to help me to configuring the connection. I have tried to connect with their computers but it has been horrible. Many of the letters of the keyboard were changed: the a for the q, the ñ for the m, the point for the point and coma... I have disconnected immediately but not without reading a mail of a girl of Montpellier that I replied from Couchsurfing. She had given me the number of her cell phone and I have sent her a message proposing her to find ourselves in the same pub than Bruno.

In the pub, Bruno was with his group. We have been talking calmly and we have been play a card game. A pair of hours later Sophia has arrived, a very nice girl. We have spoken a little of everything. She has explained to me that she was Greek and that she was in Montpellier studying an Erasmus of languages. It seemed that a special magic among us was being produced when her boyfrien has arrived suddenly. Misfortune...

Tonight I have slept the other way round, with the head over the feet, and I believe that I have slept better.

I have been selecting photos while I had breakfast, I took a shower, I have written... The truth is that already I feel like at home. This motorcaravan is a wonder, it has all what I need: a bed, a table, a cooking, a sink, fridge, freezer, bath, WC, shower, heating and many cupboards where I can fit everything. All this in 11 m2. And there is someone who complains for the flats of 30 m2...

Little before noon I have come back to the same cybercafe of yesterday. There was the owner and he has been able to configure my portable to connect to Internet. I have only been able to unload the mails and to reply one or two, because Bruno has sent me a message to the mobile saying he was already at home (we had remained to have lunch together).

He has cooked some frozen rice and also frozen hamburgers. I have excused him because I sometimes also cook the same. In beginning I felt anxious, because it had eagerness to connect to Internet again and to carry out the heap of tasks I had to do. But little by little I have calmed down and we have been able to keep a conversation well relaxed. After an hour Bruno had to go to work and we have said good bye who knows if forever.

I have connected to Internet again. I have been there 3 hours: replying mails, translating the diary with the software translendium, editing the magazine, consulting statistics...

I have come back to the Hymer exhausted but happy for the made work. I have pulled a while, have eaten some toasts of rice with cheese and have gone out of Montpellier, but very slowly due to the traffic. To the outskirts I have stopped in a supermarket and I have bought a little. I wanted to buy a hose for loading the motorcaravan of water, but I have not found any.

I have gone towards Nimes through the motorway, but I have stopped halfway in a service area. I have asked the attendants where I could load water and they have indicated me a tap, but they did not have hose. I have asked to a boy who went out of a motorcaravan if I had and has replied me that he has not also. Finally I have parked beside another motorcaravan and I have picked its door. A couple of some fifty years have gone out and I have asked them if they had "une lance" (I had looked at the dictionary before). And they did not understand me. Until after a lot of time making gestures and expressions theyhas exclaimed "Ah! Une lance!! and they have lent me a hose they had...

I have loaded the Hymer of water in the gas station and I have parked again in the same place, where I have had dinner and have slept.

Nimes (see on map)

Nimes,+Maison+Carrée Nimes,+Maison+Carrée

This morning I have arrived finally to Nimes, have given a turn for the centre with the Hymer and seeing which it was impossible to park there, I have come back for where I have come and I have parked in an artery of the city, beside some attractions that were riding (with the hope that at night they did not have them ready, for the noise... or with the hope already that they worked, for the ambient...).

I have not gone out of the motorcaravan until after having lunch. In fact I have had lunch early. I have unloaded the bicycle and I have kept on pedalling towards the centre. I have stopped to a roman temple I have been taking a lot of photos (of which two have only been saved). Afterwards I have gone to the touristic information centre to search a map and in going out a media idea of mines has occurred to me...

I have risen to the bicycle with the camera of filming hanged in the neck and taking the handlebar with one hand and the camera with the other one I have started to appeal all the streets of the centre and to visit the main monuments of the city.

Some three hours later I have come back to the motorcaravan exhausted. I have had dinner, even though there is someone who has lunch at this time. And on ending I have come out with the computer hanged in the back again. I have gone to a cybercafe that they have not let me connect the portable. Afterwards I have gone to another that either have not left me!! And after appealing all the city without finding any onemore I have come back in the first. I have checked out that they had the the same keyboard as that of Narbonna, with all the letters changed, but they have said me that they would configure the American keyboard for me. But the American keyboard has not just coincided with the Catalan keyboard, that of all the life!! And I have not been able to work at all.

I have come back to the motorcaravan and I have already been there until the time of sleeping, eating more, taking infusion, listening to music, writing, eating again (I must have burning a lot with the bici) and for the first time in the journey, looking a film that it had recorded in the computer.

Avignon (see on map)

Pont+du+gard Palace+du+papes

This morning I have directed towards Avignon, the city of the Popes, but before I have stopped to the bridge he wears Gard, an immense roman aqueduct. It has been interesting but personally, anything does not have to envy with the bridge of the devil, of Tarragona. Therefore, I have found strange and annoying that no sooner to enter there was a big car park of payment. And we have the bridge of the devil it matches left...

After making some photos playing with the sun, that with great dificulty it took out the boss among the clouds, I have come back to the Hymer and I have just gone to Avignon. I have parked without problems in front of the walls and intending already that they were one and that he was hungry have cooked one robbed of chicken, giant champignons, that I bought the other day to the supermarket, and to potatoes.

I have made a little nap... the fatigue of yesterday still lasted for me. Afterwards I have unloaded the bicycle again and I have made a stroll for Avignon. It was not sunny, and I have decided that tomorrow I will visit the city again in the morning to see if I can make any interesting photo.

Mid-afternoon I have gone to a cybercafe to connect to Internet and this time I have not had problems. I have unloaded the electronic mail (more than 3500 messages, the majority that they had bounced of the former magazine that I sent), I have answered to some girls from Lyon that has invited me to find them and I have made more contacts for when he arrives to Geneva.

It already planned that on to go out of the cybercafe it would go to make some photos by night. I had brought the camera and the tripod but when coupling them I have noticed that that it goes threaded in the camera had the piece in the motorcaravan with the camera of video. Even so, leaning in the trees, walls and wastepaper baskets I have achieved to make a few photos, of which I have not been profitable it matches none.

Finally I have come back to my hut. I have had dinner, I have selected photos, I have written, I have passed video to the ordering one, I have answered Post Office (the truth is that he makes me regret that everybody is pending of my adventure accompanied) and I have had a shower, gross felt for the goings and arrivals me with bicycle and I have not wanted to wait in tomorrow in the morning.

Tonight, as long as he sleeps already he will make me a week have started the journey...

Orange (see on map)

Orange Arc+du+triumf+du+Orange

I have awaked soon at 9:45 I have already took the main street of Avignon with the bicycle. There was a so freezing wind. I wanted to make a few photos using the sun of the morning. I have gone towards the palace of the Popes but the sun shined from behind the building and I have not made any photo. Afterwards I have risen by foot the hill of behind from where you can go down towards the famous bridge of Avignon. There really the wind panted strong... I have made some photo not too usable, also from down the river.

I have come back to the bicycle and I have gone towards the cibercafe of yesterday, but was closed, it was too early and have decided to go already to Orange, after all I could not be there with that wind.

On the motorway the wind agitated the motorcaravan with desires. I have stopped to a service area to empty the WC, although it has a very clean system it does not stop being disgusting. Afterwards I have already arrived to Orange.

After having lunch I have come out well protected, with gloves and everything, although they have not avoided that the fingers were frozen to me. I have been strolling for these dead city. All shops were closed because it was Sunday and the wind would confined everybody in their home. Even so, the city, with quite a lot of roman signs, was interesting. The streets restricted to the traffic would have to be very cheerful among week.

As at five I was already in the Hymer again and I had not found any cybercafe I have decided to make path again and to arrive to Lyon, even though I have not entered there and I have made night in a service area at the entry. The service areas in France are a wonder, although that last one already isn’t so much, probably because it did not belong on the motorway.

Before going to sleep I have started to read the book "The Zahir" of Paolo Coello. I do not know why, but lately I only get on my hands books of him, although "The alchemist" and "eleven minutes" did not like me in excess. But this has glued me a lot, I identify myself with the protagonist, or with Paolo... The desires to write, of triumphing, of being loved... At the beginning of the book he explains his woman love him very much. I would also like to be loved like this, but perhaps I will have to learn before to love in the same way.

Lyon (see on map)


I must have stopped the alarm clock unawarely and I have ended up sleeping ten hours. I have attempted not to feel culprit, I after all have freedom to get up at the time that wants. And to finish demonstrating it to myself, I have devoted part of the morning with out doing any important think.

Afterwards I have gone with the Hymer towards the centre of Lyon. I have been searching quite a lot time a hole to park it and when I have found one seemed too little, or maybe not... I have left the motorcaravan in double row with the four blinkers. I have gone out to outside and I have counted out the steps that the motorcaravan measured: 6, and afterwards and hole, 6 and a little more. I have been making longer, shorter steps, and finally I have decided to endeavour it. I have kept on teasing it of bottom, I have kept on going out from time to time behind to try that it did not crash with the portabicis. I suggested: "a handspan more" and finally I have entered it. And of course, I have taken the photo of rigour. The place was of payment, and so I have put 1,70€ there. Even though tomorrow already I will find the bill.

I have gone out to stroll without cameras, in Lyon I have plan on being there some days. Although, I have taken the computer. I have gone to the touristic Information centre and they have indicated me where there were cibercafes. But none have let me connect the computer, although one, in a very kind way, has indicated me that in the McDonald you could connect freely with wifi.

I thought that in all the journey I would not put my foot in any McDonald... After all, for economic food I could make it in the Hymer and I eat better... But will see, after having lunch I have gone there to make a coffee and an ice cream and I have been there all the afternoon, consulting mails and looking beautiful girls. Also I have exchanged messages of mobile telephone with a girl to meet ourselves tomorrow in the afternoon.

When I have gone out of McDonald it was already well dark and there was a so very cold wind. I have stopped to a supermarket to buy a little (everything is more expensive here...) and crossing a bridge towards the motorcaravan I have found a beggar who has wished me good night. I would have to prick the charitable vein because I have stopped myself and I have given him two of the three pears that I had bought. He has accepted them pleased. And already arriving at the motorcaravan, in front of a tobacconist's shop, I have found a new couple of youngsters that also they asked for. But I have not given them anything also even though they have wished me good night.

After having dinner I have gone out to make some pictures accompanied of the tripod. Coming back I have seen that the couple was still there and I have asked them: "will you spend the night here with this cold"? and they have answered me than in a hostel. I have liked them. I have gone to the Hymer and I have come back from there with a warm bottle with tea that I had prepared for me and I have served them two glasses. They have explained me that they came from Lituania and that they had been being here attempting for four months to work.

I have asked them if they would mind that I interviewed them for my project of taking the pulse to the world and they have given me permission. But when they have seen me coming back with the camera of filming they have told me that for questions of immigration they could not let me film. Then we have agreed on making the interview only filming me. But just starting, some boys from there have become to quarrel and we have been about to be gone.

I have invited them to rise to the motorcaravan and they have accepted shyly. I have prepared them another tea and I have been able to make the interview with calmness to them, the first on the journey. It has been interesting, the boy considered himself happy because he was with the girl who loved and because they waited for a son, anyway he would be happier if had had a home and work.

While they were recommending me cities to visit in Lituania someone banged on the door of the motorcaravan. I have excused, I have closed the lights, taken a knife and I have opened some fingers the curtain of the window near the door. There was a boy and I have called: "What you want"?, but the boy of inside has commented "is my friend". They have been speaking some seconds on the door and he has gone. And the couple have also gone after little, because they had to continue asking in front for the tobacconist's shop. Maybe the tea that I have offered them has made them lose money...

I have been reading all the night, until three. The Zahir is gluing me. I have desires to be a Paolo Coello, in my way. Is not that, why am I carrying out this dream? But why I have this dream?

Naturally I have gotten up late again. I thought to remain some days in Lyon so I have taken it easy and basically I have devoted this morning to washing cloth in a laundry.

In the afternoon I have met Marion, which I had known across Internet, and her friend Poline. They have been very nice and they have offered themselves to be my touristic guides for the city. We have visited the cathedral of St-Jean, the basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourviere from where all the city can be contemplated, the roman theatres, the Terraux square, the opera,...

Marion and Poline are known from the school, in some village at an hour and half from Lyon. They study politics and cognitive sciences respectively. We have been talking with a non orthodox English about my journey, the university, the city, the parties... and a little of everything.

Afterwards, as it was foreseen, they have taken me to their home where another friend has gone and they have invited me to dinner. Poline has cooked, some very good potatoes on oven, accompanied of a French wine, naturally. Afterwards they have taken out the typical French cheeses and we have ended with a delicious cake of banana, pear, chocolate and flour. The time has gone fast and cheerful and after some photos I have asked them to interview them for my project of taking the pulse to the world and they have accepted absentminded.

I have made an interview in group. It has been very interesting. Among all they have agreed that one of the main problems of the world and of its region is the lack of understanding and cultural isolation. They have proposed that the solution would pass through knowing the other cultures personally and/or travelling.

Without noticing it has became late and to not having to come back to the Hymer far away some fifteen minutes they have offered me to sleep in the bed sofa of the diner room. It was very comfortable so I have accepted very happy.

Lyon Lyon

This morning we have arranged to meet again this evening but this time I have offered me to cook something typical Catalan, a fideuà (like paella but with pasta instead of rice), and bringing one of the three bottles of Rioja that I have in the Hymer.

I have gone to a shopping centre to buy fish, because in Lyon seams that there are not fishmongers (or not nobody has known where they are), and I have also bough other things.

At noon I have stayed in the selfcaravan tidying up the cloth of yesterday, writing, correcting the diary in Spanish and English, taking shower and doing nothing. Later I have gone to McDonald to connect to Internet, to take some photos and I have gone at Marion and Poline’s home.

Marion was studying and for not bothering her I have connected to Internet using its adsl because from MacDonald the ftp could not be accessed to, the same than some other parts of Internet. Anyway I have started to make the dinner immediately because Poline had to go, although she has not been in time of tasting the fideuà.

The fideuà was not as good as normally, I suppose it was lacking to the broth of fish that I have not found in France. In any case, Marion and another friend that was also with us have congratulated me. It has been a dinner and a soiree very pleasant, in which also take place an Italian sparkling wine that the friend has brought and my Rioja.

At mid night the friend has gone and I have asked to Marion and to Poline if I could stay again to sleep in its sofa because tomorrow I wanted to use its connection of Internet. They have answered me that as supposed that I could remain.


As soon as I have awaked up I have started to edit the diary to send today and to modify the design of the programme that sends it. I have ended mid-morning. Then I have said good bye to Poline and I have gone out to stroll an hour and half trough Lyon while I was doing photos.

On arriving at the Hymer I have had lunch quickly, because at two o’clock I had arranged to meet Marion at square Bellecour where the students had to be concentrated for pioneering a demonstration against the CPE, a law that the French government wants to approve of in which the students who finish a career will not be able to have an indefinite contract until two years passes.

The place, which is immense, was very full. The majority was a youth with banners and red flags, which chorused the sentences that called them from several cars full of loudspeakers. After a while, the concentration has been started off by the streets of the city, it has continued crossing a bridge of the Rhone and has ended quite later in a square with a mural dedicated to the workers. It has been a very fun demonstration, in fact, I have coincided with Marion that the demonstrations are usually always fun. I have spoken her about the anti-war demonstration in Barcelona... There were been a million persons!!!

Arriving to the square, Marion has had to go, because some afternoons she works as nanny. We have seen off with a strong embrace and conceding perhaps that we will see again in Africa next year. I have stayed there observing the people who kept on going, some percussionists that animated those that they kept and some lost control that have started to jump above of a convertible Porche that passed.

I have come back towards the Hymer where after selecting photos, I have had dinner and I have written some diary. And on finishing washing the few dishes that I dirty in each meal, I have gone out towards MacDonald to connect again and to bring down many mails that gave me spirits with the journey. I thank it a lot although I can not reply all of them...

I have come back towards the Hymer. It does not make so much of cold today. Lyon is a beautiful city, metropolitan but calm. The two rivers that cross it give it a lot of life and personality. Tomorrow, I will already go in the morning towards Geneve, maybe with a little sorrow, I have then passed it very well these days. I do not know if it’s good idea this about travelling so much fast and not to penetrate in the knowledge of the cities and places for those that I pass... In any case one has to choose among knowing a lot of a little or knowing a little of a lot. I have chosen the second option, but I will attempt to go with all the meanings very open to end up knowing a lot of a lot.


Geneve (see on map)


I have gone of Lyon heading to Genéve with the fixation of finding refills of the gas cylinders Repsol that the Hymer brings. Before going out I have called at Repsol in Spain and they have not known where I could find refills of the gas cylinders in France, even though they have assured me that there was some in many gas stations. However, in Suissa it would be impossible find some.

In the Hymer I also bring carboys of Campingaz, that in theory they have refills in almost all the countries of the world. The problem of the Campingaz is that at 5ºC of temperature the gas starts to be liquefied and stops going on. Therefore, if I only went with Campingaz, I could not turn on the heating on days of cold. A carboy full of Repsol still remains put it on. I suppose that I would last it in Switzerland and afterwards believe that I already could work only with Campingaz then I will already travel during the spring, summer and autumn. In any case, it is better going well-prepared and to have the full carboys.

Overhang of Lyon I have stopped in three gas stations and they have every type of carboys less of Repsol. Afterwards, instead of going by the motorway I have circulated for the normal road with the hope to find more gas stations and that one had the wished carboys. I have gone to some twelve gas stations and none had Repsol. Arriving at Genéve I have entered into the motorway just in case that these carboys were on the motorway but either there has not been luck.

Finally I have arrived to the border. I have turn on the camera of filming to announce the pass of a country to another and I have crossed the invisible line. In the other side a guard has made me stop and with an paper to the hand he ask me to pay him 30€. I have asked him "por qua"? and he has answered me that it was the rate to go through the motorways. Then I have told him that I did not want to go through motorways and he has indicated me that I had to enter into France again and I had to come back enter into Switzerland for the road.

So, I have entered into France again and I have casually found the road towards Genéva. But crossing another time the Border from France to Switzerland, the guard has seen the camera of filming on the tripod behind me and has stopped me. "Is it turned on"?. "No", I have lain (perhaps If he had suggested the truth I would have more problems). Then he has asked me for the passport and I have told him that I had it behind. While I took it I have switched off the camera discreetly. He has asked me where I went and at last he has let me where pass.

I had stopped myself halfway to have lunch, therefore I have arrived at Genéve in the afternoon. I have attempted to search the centre in a city without indications of this type and with all the streets with signals painted of yellow that I did not understand. But I have arrived at it and I have parked in a street with the spaces marked of blue colour. Afterwards I have interpreted that they were not payment places but that you could not stay more than an hour and half. Just in case I have written in a card that I have left in the glass in front: "heur d’arrivé: 17:30".

I have gone out to stroll with the camera and the guide of Europe and have searched, like always, the tourist information office to ask for a map and for the situation of the cybercafes. Genéve seems a calm city but with quite scrolled commercial, rather of high purchasing level. Thinking it well, maybe all the Swiss have a high purchasing level. In any case, strolling for Genéve I feel poor person in the economic meaning. But it has no importance to me, if I displeased this feeling would not be making this journey.

Lausanne (see on map)

Switzerland Geneve Geneve

Yesterday, after asking in two cybercafes I found one which let me connect my computer. I installed myself and I started to unload the mail but when I wanted to connect it to electricity I noticed that the Swiss use apparently some different plugs. I asked for an adapter to the owner and he do not have any. So, I told him that I would connect to Internet the following day (Although I had already unload all the mail). Anyway, today I have come back there and I have sent the messages that already I had prepared last night.

Afterwards, I have gone to stroll for the historical centre, in spite of being a day very grey and quite cold. As I had some Swiss franks of having paid in the Internet connection, I have decided to rise to the tower of the cathedral from where I had one sight quite interesting but dull. And casually, coming back I have run up against a demonstration.

It was a lot of less numerous than that of the students of Lyon but it seemed very well organised. They manifested against the abuse of power of the United States, in any meaning, in Iraq, Africa, Cuba... I have supposed that Geneve must be a city that must live quite a lot of demonstrations because it is here where there is the international headquarters of the United Nations, of the Red Cross and of more than 200 organisations more.

After lunch I have kept on going towards Lausanne, through the road that passes for near the lake Leman. I intended to park the Hymer near the lake and to make it a few photos but only the attempt has already been a feat. In my country, there would be a walk way that would border all the lake but in Switzerland they must not know this of the public titularity because almost all the 60 kilometres of shore between both cities were occupied by big mansions and private ports. Despite everything I have come out with my mine and I have been able to park in a port that was not guarded.

On the way, another thing has surprised me it is the lot of Porches, of Ferraris and of I do not know which brands more of spectacular cars the Swiss have. These Swiss are very rich and they do not hide, they show it as much as they can.

In Lausanne I have parked with facility near the port, where there is a point of information. But it was already closed. I had remained there with a girl from Internet even though she had not been able to confirm me if she could come. And as I thought she has not came.

As the port is driven away from the centre, after having dinner I have directed myself with the selfcaravan to the centre with the hope to find car park. But when I have given that all streets had an inclination of 45º (I have really seen a signal of danger that indicated 12,5%) I have gone down again in the port. This is too much to be able to sleep minimally relaxed. Any way, in spite of being Saturday I haven’t seen too much party anywhere where to escape.

I do not understand how Lausanne was settled long ago in this pending one, the poor fishing people would have to sweat more rising the fish at home than fishing it...

Suissa,+Leman+lake Suissa,+Leman+lake Lausanne

This morning I have had a small crisis that immediately I have taken back, or perhaps, simply I have gotten angry. I have gone to ask in the office of tourism for a map and the for cibercafes and the girl has not been too nice, even though she has indicated me that from the square of the side there was connection wifi that offered the town council.

I have seated in a bank, have opened the computer and have attempted to connect to this wifi, but it has been impossible. The computer also detected me another wifi of payment. In the end I have introduced my number of card and I have paid 5,75€ for half an hour of connection.

I have been able to unload the mail and to reply one, but immediately the connection has been hanged and there has not been way to start it again. At the same time, I have only received an answer of the contacts which I had attempted to make for Milano and Parma. I have closed the computer and I have come back to the Hymer a little annoying. I have decided:
1. - Not to depend so much of Internet and only to connect every 2 or 3 days.
2. - To broaden the kind of people that I contacts through and not to limit oneself to beautiful girls.

I have been writing an article for Cambio16 and after having lunch I have gone out to visit the city. I have taken a bus that has left me in the centre, at the top, and I have walked for this city I have not found any grace, perhaps because it was Sunday or because the day was very grey.

In the afternoon I have started to go towards Milan. I had some 350 kilometres to do but I have taken it with calm. I have kept on stopping to the lake, which continued being covered with mist, to make interesting photos. And it has not been until half afternoon that I have noticed that I was surrounded of snowed mountains.

I have kept on being ahead, I wanted to arrive on the sunset to Simplonpass, in 2000 metres of altitude, and to make some interesting photos from there. Despite everything, it has become dark before. I could have stopped and I could follow the following day to observe the magnificent alpine landscape. But I have thought there would be full moon, because in Lyon there was at dusk. Now, I expect to know forever that the moon advances a little every day. In spite of being all snowed, the night was very dark.

I have stopped fair passed Simplonpass and I have prepared the dinner. All jars that I opened seemed that they exploded for the little pressure that there was in outside. Having eaten I have gone to outside and I have thrown some photos with the tripod. I have focused the camera to the mountain and to the sky and I have left it picking up light during 60 seconds and not even like this the little light of the snow has not been able to be received.

I have crossed the border Swiss-Italian without problems and I have decided to make night in the shore of the Lago Maggiore, in a town called Baveno.


Lago Maggiore (see on map)

I have awakened early, even so the sun was already high. I do not know if in Italy I have to advance the clock an hour... I have consulted it on the windows and yes... I have not awakened so much early...

I have decided not to enter into Milan even in the afternoon and to be the morning on the Lago Maggiore taking some photos and editing video. I did not think that this would be so much painstaking one and I have decided that from now I will attempt to edit the films of every day the same evening or exactly the following day.

Exactly before having lunch I have received a message in the mobile from Anna, a girl of Milano that I had contacted through She proposed me to meet us at the 8pm. Naturally I have answered it would be perfect and I have started to organise the rest of my day.

After cleaning the Hymer (I had already planned on making it), I have gone towards Milano. I have stopped to a gas station to load water and they have not left me... this it is not like in France. In the second I have seen a tap near the jets and without asking it I have loaded the 100 litres of water.

It wanted to use one of these gas stations to empty the deposit of the WC, because I think to remain some days in Milano and there it has to be more complicated to empty it. But with the complication of the water and seeing that the toilets were inside the shops, I have not dared to asking for it. I expect that I do not need to empty it until I goes out of Milano...

I have entered with haste into Milano, I did not want to arrive late at the appointment. But fair to enter I have seen a very big clock that marked an hour less than that of my clock. I have parked in a hole that I have found and I have asked the time to a girl who passed. She has confirmed me that it was an hour less than what I thought and she also has commented me that I was quite far from the centre.

As now I had time, I have decided to take profit of it loading the cartography of Italy to my GPS. But I have not been successful and I have gone to the centre asking. Like always I have found a good place for parking, a blue zone that here it seems to be of payment. Tomorrow perhaps I will put a ticket in case of...

I have gone to the appointment and I have found Anna. At first, the encounter has been a little cold, but with the beer and the explanations of our journeys, we have kept on animating the encounter, even though she has had to go early because she had a dinner. Anyway, we have agreed on tomorrow I will invite her to lunch in the Hymer and she to me to have dinner at her home.

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