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This is Jan's diary. If you want to receive this diary by mail, write your mail on the contact form.


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Brasov (see on map)

Turkey,+salt+lake+close+to+Cappadocia Romania,+Brasov,+Alex+and+brother+and+sister Romania,+Brasov Romania,+Brasov Romania,+Brasov Romania,+Brasov
Romania,+Brasov Romania,+Brasov Romania,+Brasov Romania,+Siviu Romania,+Siviu,+Alex  

In Brasov, at the home of the grandparents of Alexandra, we followed hibernating for three more weeks, especially with the cold street intimidating. In any case, unlike that also bears hibernate, we have not stopped eating the delicious traditional Romanian dishes and cakes that her grandmother cooked, and finally we have gained about 5 kilos each. And unlike the Bears, we have reached out on occasions to walk through Brasov and the surrounding mountains, accompanied by the two younger brothers of Alexandra. Apart from that, and the occasional trips to the dentist (in Romania is much cheaper than in Spain) and the change of the water of the radiator of the engine (it had no antifreeze since I had recharged the water in Africa), have spent several days closed home, daily rewriting Europe that I want to publish, calling on publishers to publish my novel from India, considering the financial concerns that I have to start to have coming back home again and following the upcoming presidential elections in Romania , which are hotly contested, with stores hanging posters and passing by the house members to deliver advertising and matches (as the grandmother of Alexandra said to self-burn if your favourite candidatedoes not win). And finally, despite the sadness of Alexandra, three weeks after we left her family, but before that i could fulfil the desire of Alexandra to celebrate the anniversary of her grandmother, curiously the only day throughout the calendar Romanian when family and friends give two kisses on the cheek.

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