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This is Jan's diary. If you want to receive this diary by mail, write your mail on the contact form.


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Vic (see on map)


Today we have visited Zalba Caldú company in Zaragoza that has been sponsorizing us all this time and they have offered themselves to follow in the same way during the African adventure. It has been a very cordial meeting. They have shown us all insurances and assistance (among her health worker) that they could offer us. After having lunch with them we have followed the road towards home, Vic.

It is well to travel through your own country with somebody foreign because this person can observe important aspects that until then i did not observe, like the many paintings on the road: "living ETA ETA asesinos", "living communist cuba", you "do not vote VCT" (I do not know who they are), and Nazi and anarchist symbols. Finally, when we crossed the Monegros, a desert region, Alexandra pointed to the great number of trucks that circulated. In few minutes we have counted out a hundred and only ten cars.

We have been some hours more through better known roads, until finally we have arrived at the house of my parents. With a strong embrace we have finished this first part on the journey. Now I will leave the diary in white until the following stage: Africa!

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