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Taking the pulse to the world

Name: joanis
Place: latvian

Which do you think is the main problem that affects the world?
politics , gay people being proud of themselves, I am not interested in politics and think there is no solution

How can it be solved?
no solution

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
no solution

Which do you think is the main problem that affects you region or environment?
relations between russia and latvia because they hate eachother

How can it be solved?
maybe if russians would live in russia and latvians in latvia

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
he is not in politics so he cannot solve and also doesn’t have a nuclear wepon

Are you happy in live? Why?
yeah i feel happy because i have everything

How could you be happier?
he cannot be more happy, only less maybe

Which do you think is the secret of happiness?
music (listening and playing


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