Taking the pulse to the world
Name: galiga/jean paul
Place: poland
Which do you think is the main problem that affects the world?
basicaly there is no new problem, uncomprehension. There has always been war and hunger. The menkind doesn’t learn from the past, maybe its in our nature
How can it be solved?
respect for yourself, for other people, education
What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
every revolutionbegins from yourself. I try in my little personal world to change something to change my life if its not good, I respect my needs
Which do you think is the main problem that affects you region or environment?
italian mentality wich Is great on one side but dramatic on another side.its not about killing people its just more not carying for he other, we skip the line.in the community becomes a way of thinking and acting that affects the society.but the more I travel the more i love my country and my people.
How can it be solved?
a solution could be education, time, european union, but also we should not forget our traditions and our culture
What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
I realise I am a little bit like that especialy when I am out of the country. For example driving or parking or forbidden roads. I would like to start from me but it takes time and knowledge
Are you happy in live? Why?
yes I feel happy. Before I wasn’t happy cause I felt I had to do some changes. Happynes should not be the goal but the journey. We always put happynes in the future and not in the present or in this moment
How could you be happier?
I could be happier. Maybe yes. How …give me 3 girls a harem…
Which do you think is the secret of happiness?
just listen a little bit more ourselfs and remembering more about ourselfs