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Taking the pulse to the world

Name: chris
Place: cape town south africa
Years: 50
Ocupation: teacher

Which do you think is the main problem that affects the world?
ignorance and poverty and all social and health problems that stems from that.

How can it be solved?
by bringing joy and relief wehereever one go in the world.networking with other like-minded people. i believe in the starfish story - throwing back into the sea ONE by ONE!

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
imparting knowledge and practical relief of the poor by teaching a way of life that is sustainable and teaching skills so that a person can help himself eventually

Which do you think is the main problem that affects you region or environment?
same as above and also govermental red tape. distrust among people because of igniorance of how the iother half live

How can it be solved?
just carpe diem - seize the day and do what we can from day to day to save the 'starfish' one at a time

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
do what i can lolocally and networking with those who are willing to do the same

Are you happy in live? Why?
im content with my life, my family and friends and the purpose of my life and occupation (for which i have a passion and calling)

How could you be happier?
to do even more than what i can do now to alleviate suffering and poverty

Which do you think is the secret of happiness?
An eye upon our Creator and the wonderful things He does in my and others lives AND working towards a better future everyday - moment to moment

I am intrigued by yiour project please tell me more!

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