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Taking the pulse to the world

Name: Julie B.
Place: Cleveland, USA
Years: 16
Ocupation: Student

Which do you think is the main problem that affects the world?
There is not enough basic envionmental education in the world.

How can it be solved?
Environmental education should be mandatory and incorporated in the k-12 curriculum, and environmentalists should be sent to environmentally hazardous areas to educate the people there.

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
I am planning on majoring on environmental science in college and will work at a nonprofit and travel to other countries to educate them.

Which do you think is the main problem that affects you region or environment?
People overconsume and waste most of what they consume.

How can it be solved?
People need to be educated on the environmental impace of their actions, not just the economic.

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
I can volunteer at a local nonprofit, reduce my consumption, and encourage my friends to do the same.

Are you happy in live? Why?
Yes. I am in challenging classes, and looking forward to my future.

How could you be happier?
I want to travel more, and take an environmental science course.

Which do you think is the secret of happiness?
Using only what you need, and having others to share that life with.


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