Taking the pulse to the world
Name: Bart
Place: Damme, Belgium
Years: 25
Ocupation: EAA Parts Follow-Up Administrator
Which do you think is the main problem that affects the world?
Egocentrism. Especially in the Western world this is an illness one comes accross way too often. Of course not everyone thinks 'Me, myself and I' but this becomes more and more widespread. 'First thinking about myself, others can hit the road'. It is indeed true that life is hard, but especially this spirit makes this saying true.
How can it be solved?
Changing one's own mentality - but this requires first of all to be aware of this 'illness'. Maybe travelling whilst having to depend on other people, having to rely on others to get a roof above of your head. E.g. great website www.couchsurfing.com; will definately show that egocentrism does not fit in the whole concept of the site and most of its members.
What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
If needed, confront people with the mentality of egocentrism. But: this is very hard, one can loose friends ('thought these were real friends').
Getting out of your own cocoon and share the world along with other people, have a nice (short) chat to strangers, just simply say 'hello'.
Which do you think is the main problem that affects you region or environment?
The circulation-problem: trying to get from point A to B by car never took so long as today. Alternative roads often no solution as these become also fully packed with cars.
How can it be solved?
Car-pooling, better public transportation, encouraging to use public transport facilities by Government and employers.
What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
car-pooling, and again getting of the egocentrism-mentality: 'Me myself and I alone in my car'. Use the bike more frequently, @ young parents: get your children to school by foot of by bike. Small shopping trips in town: getting to it by bike won't hurt. We are becoming too lazy, this mentality may not become a priority in our society. Our parents did not have all the transportation facilities like we're having today, and all went well too - so?
Are you happy in live? Why?
It varies: suffering the inconveniences of temporary jobs. To give an example: yet again the egocentrism mentality: people with fixed contract get all opportunities and holidays and benefits, interim people are lucky to get 2 days off.
Also knowing that you work hard on projects and not being appreciated for this by your boss.
But: happiness is to find in lots of smaller things, like your dog gently barking to go for his daily walk.
How could you be happier?
Try working a little less some times and making more time for friends and travels. Last couple of years my social life has been a disaster, and now I realise that some friends rarely get in touch because 'he won't have time anyway, we'll not ask him'.
It's not too late to change this, I'm working on it. Why did I let this come so far? => another life lesson: be ambitious, but not too ambitious.
Which do you think is the secret of happiness?
The most individual expression of the most individual feeling.
Talk to your neighbours. Go out with your friends. Say your girlfriend how much you love her. Be a little foolish some time. Grab a drink with your mates.
Live life to the full and enjoy your family and friends. Hold on to some basic principles that make the world go round, but still try to get to 'I did it my way'.
This questionnaire took me an hour of reflections - and this has been truly 'quality time' to put it in a modern expression. Please everyone: take your time to think every now and then about your way of life, you'll learn so much out of it.